My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 544: She's just a sister

Chapter 544 She is just a sister

Ye Weiwei walked downstairs to Ye Xichen's workplace in G City carrying the pink backpack she had just bought recently.

 “Ye Xichen, Ye Xichen, Ye Xichen.”

 When you call, just say you are busy and hang up faster than answering.

The school is gone, the apartment is gone, and the company seems to be my home.

 “I don’t believe it, I can’t conquer you yet!”

 Still remembering the day she had a fever half a month ago, she felt ostracized from Ye Xichen because of the disgusting things Ye Hantian did and Madam Ye's decision.

 She asked Pei Yichen to stay and really just asked a few questions about the progress of collecting evidence. Unexpectedly, when she turned around, she received a call from Director Zhao saying, "Master Ye locked himself in the room and drank alcohol."

 She rushed over at that time.

Even after changing the password, she still entered it correctly three times to open the room.

 However, Ye Xichen ignored her from that day on.

 It’s not a cold war, but it seems like they suddenly stopped caring about her.

He didn't ask her if her cold was better, he didn't tell her to take medicine on time, and he didn't even ask her to send her back to school even though the final exam was two days away.

 Fortunately, Ye Xichen also had to take the graduation exam, so they came back together.

 But it’s of no use, Ye Xichen really doesn’t care about her now!

  I will not make any demands on her and completely let her be free.

This relationship style makes Ye Weiwei unable to adapt.

 Cold violence means caring, while indifference makes people feel panicked.

 So, she planned to take the initiative to attack.

 She recently stopped taking the little fairy route and changed back to a soft and cute style.

 With the fluffy coat, cute earmuffs, and long hair in big waves, I feel... just like a teenager.

 This is one of the moves Gong Qianli gave her.

 She used to have a soft and cute image, and every time she acted like a baby, Ye Xichen couldn't resist, so now the strategy plan is to be so cute that she vomits blood!


She didn’t know whether Ye Xichen would vomit blood, but others looked at her like they were looking at a little loli...

  It’s enough to remember that I was taken to the police station as a primary school student because I was not tall enough!

 Slip into the elevator until you reach the office.

The office door is locked, which means Ye Xichen is not inside at the moment.

The secretary who came to get the information didn’t recognize Ye Weiwei for a moment and was almost shocked!

 “It turns out to be Miss Qiao.”

Looking at the secretary's subconscious action of patting her chest, Ye Weiwei asked curiously: "Is it weird that I'm like this?"

 “No, no, it’s very cute.”

She is indeed very cute. She looks like a soft girl that makes people want to hug her and love her.

But the image and temperament of the little fairy left a deep impression on people, so there was no reaction for a while.

 Finally, when their meeting was over, Xu Tangxi walked out first, not walking with Ye Xichen.

Xu Tangxi saw Ye Weiwei. Neither of them said hello. They just made eye contact and passed by each other.

Ye Weiwei looked forward to it and saw people coming out one after another, so he simply went back to Ye Xichen's office to wait for him.

Even though the door is locked, she has the password to open it!

He sat there upright, twirling the ring on his finger from time to time, and finally waited until someone opened the door and came in.

 Ye Weiwei stood up happily, but saw that the first person to come in was a woman full of intellectual beauty.

The woman seemed to be startled by her.

 Shortly afterwards, Ye Xichen also walked in.

The woman looked at Ye Weiwei curiously.

"Who is this?"

Ye Weiwei hesitated for a moment, then heard Ye Xichen briefly explain her identity to the woman, "a little sister."

 (End of this chapter)

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