My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 513: Another girl wearing a bell

Chapter 513 Another girl wearing a bell

Ye Xichen's way of spending time is of course willing to pay.

 “Let him go and I’ll pay for it!”

 When the onlookers heard this sentence, they all looked sideways.

 The old man stopped begging and the young girl stopped crying. Even the vicious car owner was stunned.

 The driver walked through the crowd and raised his mobile phone directly, "I'll pay."

 The driver looked plain, but he looked really different from them in the way he dressed.

The vicious car owner was a little suspicious, but seeing the driver directly showing the transfer page, the driver immediately let go of the young girl and negotiated with the driver for a few words.

 The car owner got the money, which was still a high amount. He was in a good mood and pointed at the young girl and the old man, "You are lucky today."

The car owner was afraid that the person who gave the money would regret it, so he quickly got into the car and ran away after receiving the money.

 The farce ended and the onlookers dispersed.

The driver turned around to return to his car, but was held back by the old man, "Thank you so much, good Samaritan."

“Old man, there is no need to thank me. It was my young master who helped me.” Naturally, the driver did not dare to take credit.

 When the old man heard what he said, he looked at the white car behind him, which was also very heroic. He was extremely moved at that time.

 “Xie’er, we have met a kind person.”

"Grandma, I know what to do." The young girl Leng Yanxi held the old man's hand, and the two of them insisted on going to thank him in person.

The driver saw the pitiful appearance of their grandparents and moved them with compassion and led them over.

 “Master, these two grandsons would like to thank you in person.”

Ye Xichen's face remained calm, "No need."

 But as the two men approached, he suddenly heard the sound of bells.

 The crisp sound of the bell always brings back some memories in him.

 At this time, Leng Yanxi had already walked to the car window with her grandma.

The car window was only half open, so they couldn't see clearly who was sitting inside. The old man thanked him and made a bow gesture.

Ye Xichen stretched out his hand to press down the car window, "It's a big help, no need to thank you."

Leng Yanxi said "Hey" and stretched her arms to the car window, "Benefactor, please leave your contact information, and I will work hard to make money to return the five thousand yuan to you."

Although they are poor, they do not want to take advantage of others.

Ye Xichen tilted his head slightly and said, "Let's go."

 This sound is his instruction to the driver to drive.

Leng Yanxi seemed to be surprised to discover something extraordinary, "Wait a minute, who are are the good Samaritan from the hospital!"

Leng Yanxi took the old man's hand and shook it, pointed at Ye Xichen and said, "Grandma, he is the kind person who helped pay for my mother's treatment in the hospital! I remember, it was him!"

Ye Xichen’s appearance is unforgettable, not to mention the fact that she saved her grandmother’s life.

When Leng Yanxi said this, the old man became even more excited: "My benefactor."

Ye Xichen's eyes fell on the old and the young, and he still had some memories.

That day, Ye only showed mercy to the old man and asked him to pay for saving people's lives.

  I didn’t expect to meet you here.

Leng Yanxi was very excited, "My benefactor left too fast that day, and I didn't have time to thank you. The doctor only said that you were a young master named Ye, and refused to tell you anything else, so I couldn't contact you, but I always remembered it."

Leng Yanxi stepped back one meter and knelt down on the gravel road, "Benefactor, please accept my worship."

You have to wear thick clothes in winter, otherwise your feet will bleed, right?

Ye Xichen couldn't be shocked at all by the excited expression of his grandfather and grandson, and of course he didn't bother to explain.

 The only thing that made him curious was, "Why are you wearing a bell?"

 (End of this chapter)

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