My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 508: Catch an adulterer

Chapter 508: Catch the traitor and commit crime

Ye Yiwei tightened his cloak.

Li Mo'er actually reached out and pulled it, "I've never seen this cloak before. It's silver-grey. It's not yours, right?"

The color and size of this cloak completely covered Ye Wei's slender figure, almost reaching her ankles. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that it was not hers.

 And how did she get it in this place?

Li Mo'er's action of pulling on the cloak seemed casual, but in fact she used force.

 Ye Weiwei opened her hand directly, "Don't touch me!"

 Ye Weiwei used to act with Li Moer, but now she is tired of the feeling of wearing a mask.

 But just because she was bored, it didn't mean that Li Mo'er would be bored.

Li Mo'er was slapped by her and turned around a lot, as if someone else had used a lot of strength.

“Qiaoqiao, I just care about you. It’s not safe for you to go out alone so late.”

"I don't need you..." Before he could say the three words of fake kindness, Ye Weiwei swallowed the rest of his words.

 Because she caught a glimpse of Mr. Qiao's unhappy expression.

 Perhaps it’s because of the cloak she’s wearing.

 Ye Weiwei glanced at Li Mo'er.

 Since you have to pretend and act, right? She can accompany you!

She suppressed the nausea in her heart and could still smile at Li Mo'er, "Mo'er, you don't need to worry so much. I just feel that the room is too stuffy and I just wanted to come out for some air."

Ye Weiwei turned to face Mr. Qiao again and walked over to help him, "Grandpa, why are you out? It's cold and dewy outside. Go back."


Since Mr. Qiao didn't say much, he directly cooperated with Ye Weiwei.

Li Mo'er walked at the end and glared angrily at Ye Weiwei's back several times.

I thought to myself: This **** old man didn’t even ask, and we still expect him to come out and catch the rapist! Is this the result? It’s so boring!

Li Mo'er's real goal was not achieved, and he felt unwilling to do so.

However, she thought that as long as Ye Weiyi stayed here, Ye Xichen would be reluctant to leave, and he must be nearby!

Ye Xichen and Ye Weiwei are still meeting secretly, and sooner or later they will be caught by Mr. Qiao! It seems that she still needs to work hard to force Mr. Qiao to completely break up Ye Weiyi and Ye Xichen!

Just walking back to the front from the back, Li Moer, who had a vicious mind, already had a lot of tricks, all based on calculations.

Li Moer hid in her room and called Madam Ye.

 Mrs. Ye has been dissatisfied with her recently, just because of Mrs. Qiao's incident.

She didn't dare to tell others the truth about falling from the building, so she had to use the emotional card to hide her purpose, so Mrs. Ye was a little repelled by her.

But Mrs. Ye has not interfered much in other matters in the past two years. Her thoughts are on winning back her husband's heart and keeping an eye on her son's achievements. She also turns a blind eye to Li Mo'er. To put it bluntly, she doesn't care what happens to Li Mo'er. Practice yourself.

But this does not affect Li Moer and Mrs. Ye's complaint.

“Mama Ye, brother Chen has been here for a few days, but Mr. Qiao is very dissatisfied with his brother. He insults him when he sees him, and even slanders the Ye family in various ways.”

“Originally, I advised Brother Chen to leave, but Qiao Li insisted on keeping Brother Chen.”

“Mother Ye, you also know that Brother Chen regards that girl Qiao Lian as his sister, but this sincerity is always exploited by people with intentions. Mo’er really can’t stand it anymore!”

Finally, Li Mo'er could leave his address, "Mama Ye, why don't you personally persuade Brother Chen? We are in **** village."

 (End of this chapter)

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