My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 488: secret love

Chapter 488 Secret Love

 “I’ll tell you a secret…”

“I have someone I like!” Gong Qianli wiped the water from the corners of her eyes and looked at Nangong Luo.

Nangong Luo, who was leaning leisurely by the bathroom door just now, immediately stood up straight.

"What did you say?"

  “I said I have someone I like.”

At first hearing that Gong Qianli admitted that she was in love so readily, Nangong Luo's heart tightened, not because of excitement, but because of deep uneasiness.

 He asked: “Who?”

Gong Qianli shook her head at him and refused to tell him clearly.

 “If you don’t want to explain, why should you tell me?”

“Hehe, I don’t know how much I like it now. I just want to make it clear to you. Maybe I won’t be able to pretend to be your girlfriend in the future to help you protect yourself~”

 “Because there is someone you like, so you want to distance yourself from me?”

“It’s not called alienation, it’s keeping a distance! We are just friends. In the past, we could help each other to prevent love affairs, but if one party has someone he likes, of course he cannot ignore his reputation~”

Even when I mention the person I like, my voice is so sweet.

This was not the first time Gong Qianli kept a distance after saying "there is someone she likes" to him, but this was the only time that Nangong Luo had to take it seriously!

 In the past, I could just laugh it off as a joke.

 But today, she is serious.

“So, when are you going to start distancing yourself from me?”

“Well, I can still help you now, but maybe I won’t like that person in two days.”

Gong Qianli lowered her head and smiled, burying her own secret in her heart.

The dark green eyes of Gu Chengxi when he looked at her would always come to mind, which was particularly captivating.

 When she thought about it, her heartbeat would speed up and her face would feel warm.

 She wasn’t sure whether it was a temporary impression or true love at first sight!

Gong Qianli washed her face and walked out by herself.

Nangong Luo was still leaning against the door and motionless.

After being silent for a long time, he suddenly walked to the sink in three steps at a time, turned on the water from the faucet to the maximum, held it in the palm of his hand and rinsed it on his face wildly.

He felt that he might have been a little delirious tonight because of drinking, and he probably needed to sober up!


Xia Xiyun finally got up close and personal with her idol, but in a drunken mess...

After drinking, Xia Xiyun changed from a cute girl to a nagging little cutie. She didn't hear any chatter all the way back to school.

 “As expected of the anchor.”

As expected of a host, the stand-up comedy is so good that the atmosphere can't be lively.

The senior brother spoke, Leng Ruxue originally said that he wanted to take care of Xia Xiyun, but Han Xingye was "rushed" to the co-pilot position with special skills.

Xia Xiyun was sitting in the back seat, his head tilted this way and that.

Han Xingye still couldn't stand it and forced her head to his shoulder.

Xia Xiyun opened her eyes in a daze and smiled at him, "You are good-looking, just like my boyfriend!"

"Oh." Han Xingye turned his head so that she could see his face clearly, and deliberately said, "Then who is better looking, me or your boyfriend?"

Xia Xiyun waved out his hand and unswervingly defended the male god, "Of course he is my male god!"

 “My boyfriend is the best looking!”

 “Who is your boyfriend?”

“Hmph, even my male idol doesn’t know that his name is Han Xingye, he is MG’s Han Xingye, do you know?”

"Ok, I know."

Seeing that cute little girl suddenly transform into a lion, Han Xingye will never forget the winter when MG disbanded.

  Originally, tiger is more appropriate, but it’s bad to always think of “tigress”…



 (End of this chapter)

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