My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 477: close contact

Chapter 477 Intimate Contact

Regarding Luo Yuxi's explanation, Ye Weiwei didn't bother to distinguish the truth from the false. She didn't have a good impression of Qiu Yiyan and others, and she wouldn't drive them away directly.

 “Now that you’re here, please take a seat.”

Gong Qianli stared at Luo Yuxi and cursed: "He is really a troublemaker."

Ye Weiwei pulled her to calm her down and said, "I'm already here anyway, so be happy."

"Yes, today is your birthday party. I hope you are happy." Gong Qianli held her cheek in hand and gave her a sip.


Feeling a sharp and murderous air behind me...

The surrounding sounds were quiet, and the BGM from the song list she had just requested was still being played in sequence. Gong Qianli had a bad feeling in her heart.

 “Why...why don’t you speak?”

Gong Qianli looked up blankly, her arms still resting on Ye Youyi's shoulders.

 I saw Nangong Luo making some strange movements and saying a few words silently: "Liu Li, let go!"

Before she could understand what Nangong Luo meant, a dark shadow came over her.

Ye Xichen made a strong appearance and directly lifted Gong Qianli away.

“Liu Li, you have been too presumptuous recently.”


Gong Qianli’s whole body was filled with excitement.

How could she be so unlucky? She just kissed the cutie and was bumped into by Ye Xichen. You must know that this person's possessiveness is so strong that even **** is not immune...

“Brother Chen, you must have seen it wrong.”

She gave a serious explanation and moved back.

Gong Qianli was still retreating and did not notice that there was a huge vase half a meter behind her.

 “Liu Li!” As soon as Nangong Luo noticed it, he stood up and rushed over.

Gu Chengxi, who was closest to the vase, suddenly came to help. His long and strong arms clasped Gong Qianli's waist and pulled her over.

At the moment when she raised her head, Gong Qianli's pupils dilated and met Gu Chengxi's pair of mysterious green eyes, which seemed to be as cold as ice, repelling people thousands of miles away.

It was only for a moment, but there was still an indescribable feeling.

 At a startling glance, those eyes that were as dazzling as green agate pierced people's hearts.

"let go."


 “Gong Qianli.”

 “Cough cough cough!”

Gong Qianli, who had just woken up from the shock, found that Gu Chengxi had let go, but her hand was tightly holding Gu Chengxi's coat.

"thank you."

Gong Qianli thanked her and caught a glimpse of Gu Chengxi's thin lips, her eyes wandering.

She has met Gu Chengxi before, but he was too indifferent and never took a serious look. Today, she was lucky enough to have a "close encounter" and take a closer look. Those eyes are really beautiful.

I heard that the Gu family is of this generation and is of mixed race.

Having beautiful eyes and delicate facial features.

Compared to Ye Xichen, Gu Chengxi’s facial features are more profound. The combination of Chinese and Western facial features is indeed unique and beautiful.

 There were too many people present, and everyone’s inner activities were different.

 Fortunately, Ye Ziyi was smart and stretched out his hand to give Ye Xichen a big hug. His laughter broke the frozen atmosphere, "Brother, you are finally here."

 Just a hug...

 That’s it…

Everyone in the audience felt the change in Ye Xichen's aura, just like the spring after the cold winter. Even his smile was so warm and welcoming.

Hmm, how does your face change every minute?

 As for Ye Xichen's appearance, many people did not dare to raise questions.

Ye Xichen clapped three times, and waiters from Shangri-La appeared one after another at the door. They all held trays in their hands and placed them in the dining area.

“Today is Qiao Ling’s 18th birthday. We are here as guests. I hope everyone has a great time!”

   Did you see anything in this chapter?

There are indeed five pairs of CP present.



 (End of this chapter)

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