My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 469: Just separated

Chapter 469: It’s just the right time to separate

Ye Weiwei brought four roommates with him, and one...Su Yichen.

Gong Qianli immediately jumped out of the car and gave her a big bear hug, "Youyi, I finally see you again."

This girl... also forgot that this was the school gate where people were coming and going, so many people were staring at them.

"Liu Li, let me go first, I'm almost...ahem, I can't breathe from being held by you."

 “I’m sorry, honey.”

Gong Qianli quickly let go of her and felt relieved for her. Not everyone could bear her enthusiasm.

Xia Xiyun saw them and praised them, "Wow, Qiaoqiao, your friends are all... good-looking."

Who doesn’t like to hear good words, and so does Gong Qianli.

Especially when seeing Xia Xiyun, who is dressed up like a girl and has a baby voice, people like Gong Qianli who consider themselves tomboys like it the most.

“Wow, such a eloquent young lady still has a baby voice. Hey, Nangong Luo, didn’t you just say you wanted to find a girlfriend? I think this sounds good! You have a baby face and she has a baby voice, they are a perfect match!”

 Ye Weiwei: “???”

Nangong Luo: “!!”

Xia Xiyun followed her gaze and saw that handsome face that really made people blush and their heart beat faster.

They say that Nangong Luo has a baby face, but he looks young but not naive. He is not as cold as Gu Chengxi, and not as handsome as Ye Xichen. His facial features are softer, making people feel warm.

  In short, it is the type that will make little girls’ hearts flutter!

But Nangong Luo had a sullen face, without the usual smile.

Gong Qianli waved her hand casually and whispered in Nangong Luo's ear: "At this time, everyone is on their own, so seize the opportunity."

Ye Weiwei directly grabbed her arm and pulled her back, "Liu Li, what nonsense are you talking about."

“No way, he obviously just said he wanted to find a girlfriend, so I’m not helping him.”

 The only person holding his forehead at night.

When Gong Qianli instigated her to express her love, she was very enthusiastic, but now she is trying to die when it comes to her own affairs.

“Forget it, let’s not stand here, everyone get in the car.”

"There are a few people here. Luo and I drove a car here. There is one at Senior Brother's place."

 “Enough is enough, it’s just enough to separate.”

In the end, Nangong Luo drove the car, Gong Qianli sat in the passenger seat, and Ye Weiwei and Xia Xiyun sat in the back row.

On the other side, the senior brother was driving, with Su Yichen sitting in the passenger seat, and Leng Ruxue and Luo Yuxi sitting in the back row.

  “Hey, why did I hear them call you the only one?”

 “nickname…former nickname.”

"Qiaoqiao, your nickname is so meaningful. Did your parents give it to you? The only one must be the only baby! You are so doting." Xia Xiyun is a two-dimensional girl who has beautiful fantasies every day. The color of the whole person's life is pink, and the imagination is huge.

 But she was right on one point.

Ye Weiwei didn't know how to explain it. It was too boring to explain the reason for this name!

Gong Qianli, on the other hand, turned her head and neck to talk to them, "It's not her parents who gave it to her, it was the one who loved her most."

 “The ones who love her most are not her parents?”

 “For some people, no.”

 The two of them smiled meaningfully.

Gong Qianli hasn't given up on something yet, "Do you have a boyfriend? What do you think of the guy next to me? He's tall, rich and handsome, so you can't miss him."

Nangong Luo refuted Gong Qianli's words, "Who said I'm looking for a girlfriend? Aren't you my girlfriend?"

   Girl Liuli, take it easy



 (End of this chapter)

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