My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 426: The relationship between Ye Xichen and Qiao Lian is exposed

Chapter 426 The relationship between Ye Xichen and Qiao Lian is exposed

Ye Xichen blocked Ye Weiyi with his body and pushed her into the small room.

 “Be good.”

 “Bang.” Ye Xichen closed the door directly for her.

Su Che, who was unaware of the situation, poked his head out curiously and glanced here and there, "Brother, you are hiding a woman here!"

Ye Xichen took the clothes in his hand and said coldly: "You can go."

Su Che, who wanted to join in the fun, refused and sat there with his legs crossed, "I won't leave. What's going on? Brother, aren't you competing with that guy He Yan? Why are you hiding a woman here...Who is inside?"

Su Che had something to do before, so he didn't go to the scene and didn't know about the incident of Ye Weiwei falling into the water.

Of course, he didn’t know that he had offended a certain jealous king from the moment he took the key and opened the door!

“Su Che, I’ll give you another chance, get out.”

“Brother, just tell me, I’m curious.”

As he spoke, Su Che stood up and wanted to knock on the door of the small room to see who was inside.

But the next second, he was grabbed by the collar and thrown out of the locker room by Ye Xichen.

 Oh, in the process, Ye Xichen also took away the key that he held in his hand!

Su Che looked pitiful: "Brother? You don't want to burn bridges with someone like this."

 “Dong—” A message came on the phone.

Su Che raised it up and saw that it was from Ye Xichen: "It seems that you have been too busy recently. You will go to work in the company tomorrow!"

Su Che immediately knelt down in pity, "Brother, I was wrong, I was really wrong. I want to go to school...I want to study hard and make progress every day...Brother, please listen to my explanation..."

 “Dong—” is another piece of information.

 When I clicked it and took a look, there were no words on it.

However, Su Che's IQ was above the line and he slipped away quickly.

Ye Weiwei came out of the small room and bumped into Ye Xichen in the middle of changing.

Looking at those eight-pack abs face to face, she couldn't help but swallow the saliva in her throat.

Hurryly cover your face and turn around, not daring to look anymore.

 Looking at her again, she is really going to float!

 “Oh, why haven’t my clothes arrived yet?”

The boys' dormitory is closer than the girls' dormitory. Su Che was in the dormitory originally, so he came here one way, while Luo Yuxi had to run back and come back again.

But soon there was a knock on the door again, "dong dong dong—"

 “Um, Qiaoqiao? Are you there?”

Hearing Luo Yuxi's voice, Ye Xichen grabbed Ye Xichen's arms with both hands, hid behind him, and went to open the door.

Ye Xichen opened the door, and Luo Yuxi saw the male **** who looked like he had just taken a bath with water still covering his head.

 “Ye, Brother Ye, these are Qiaoqiao’s clothes...”


"No thanks, no thanks." Luo Yuxi took the opportunity to take a look and saw a roommate hiding behind Ye Xichen. She felt that running out of breath was not a loss at all!

 “Hey, hey, you go on, I won’t interrupt you.” Luo Yuxi, whose emotional intelligence is online, stepped back.

 It’s very lively outside right now.

"This explains a lot of things! Ye Xichen hasn't been on stage for three years, but he also went to Qiao Lian's opening ceremony. When Qiao Liao had a car accident, Ye Xichen was the first to rush over and hug her. Ye Xichen also paid for She just ignored the game!”

 They are definitely related!

 This is the conclusion that everyone reached unanimously!

Luo Yuxi and Su Che, who went in to deliver clothes, were blocked outside and asked about the situation inside.

  Two people expressed ignorance.

“Do Ye Xichen and Qiao Li know each other?”

 “What’s their relationship?”

 Luo Yuxi couldn't stand it anymore. She put her hands on her hips and raised her head. Her fat body dominated everyone's attention. "Actually, they are..."

Isn’t that the kind of relationship? ? Uh-huh~

   Did you celebrate 520 yesterday?



 (End of this chapter)

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