My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 401: The murderer is her!

Chapter 401 The murderer is her!

Mrs. Qiao rolled down several stairs, and her head slowly oozed blood.

Li Moer hurriedly went down the stairs, and was suddenly grabbed by the ankle by Mrs. Qiao.

"help me…"

Li Moer wanted to free her foot, but Mrs. Qiao held her tight, so she had to bend down and reach out to pull her foot free, struggling to free her foot.

Mrs. Qiao called her name with all her strength, hoping that she would call someone, but Li Moer was very scared.

“You, don’t hold me back, it has nothing to do with me.”

Li Moer waved her hand, and the bell on her wrist swayed. She couldn't think anymore and just escaped by herself.

Li Moer saw a car pull over after running for some distance. Li Moer immediately crouched down and hid on the spot. Seeing Pei Yichen and Ye Weiwei get out of the car, Li Moer's heart almost rose to his throat.

 Fortunately, the two people didn't notice her and went straight into the house.

Li Moer covered her hands and tried to avoid making any noise and ran away.

 Her mind was blank just now, and she didn't know what to do except run away!

Li Mo'er returned to Ye's house and hurriedly returned the bell to its original position.

This is not the first time she has come here secretly, because no one is allowed to enter Ye Xichen's room except for weekly cleaning. Even if Li Moer sneaks in secretly, he does not dare to stay long.

And she knew that this bell bracelet was also found in a jewelry box on Ye Xichen's bookcase by chance. Her curiosity led her to open it and saw a bell bracelet inside.

She once used the name "little bell" to tease Mrs. Ye and learned that it was Ye's only bell. She also knew that it was a gift given to her by Ye's only father.

She just wanted to use the bell to reveal Ye Weiwei's identity, but she never thought that such an accident would happen.

 She is so scared...she is the murderer!

Li Moer locked himself in the room, wrapped himself in a quilt, and hid in the bed shivering.

The scene of Mrs. Qiao rolling down the stairwell kept replaying in front of her eyes, as well as the pool of bright red blood spilling from her head, she...


 “Miss Mo’er?”

 The servant outside is knocking on the door.

Li Moer stared at the door and said nothing.

The servant called several times but got no response, so he left.

The first thing Mrs. Ye did after she came back was to look for Li Mo'er, but after asking around, none of the Ye family's servants said they had seen her.

 Can't get through the phone either.

"Where did this girl go?" Madam Ye was obviously unhappy and asked again: "Have you looked for the room?"

 “In reply to Madam, we knocked on the door just now, but there was no response.”

"Is nothing going to happen?" Madam Ye frowned.

Suddenly I heard footsteps approaching, and when I saw it, it was Li Moer who appeared wearing slippers.

“I’m sorry, Mother Ye, I was too asleep in the room just now and didn’t hear you.” Li Moer rubbed his eyes and made a hazy look as if he had just woken up.

Mrs. Ye didn’t suspect anything when she saw him, she just asked her to change clothes.

 “Mama Ye, do you want to go out?”

“Something happened to Mrs. Qiao, let’s go to the hospital now.”

 “I’m not going!” Li Moer reflexively refused.

This rebuttal was so special that Madam Ye cast a confused and dissatisfied look at her.

Li Mo'er's heartbeat continued to accelerate, and she said in a panic, "I, I'm a little uncomfortable, and I want to sleep for a while."

"If you don't feel well, let the doctor check you out. Mrs. Qiao's problem is very serious. Doesn't she usually like you the most? If you don't go, it will be like the above!"

 (End of this chapter)

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