My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 399: Another daughter of the Qiao family

Chapter 399 Another daughter of the Qiao family

 After leaving the Luo family, Ye Weiwei left everyone behind.

 She returned to City S quietly, planning to find Mrs. Qiao.

She wanted to ask if Mrs. Qiao still remembered her granddaughter and the things about her parents.

She and Mrs. Qiao usually met by chance, and she never thought of leaving her contact information. Now she wanted to find it, but she didn’t know where to start.

 She didn’t even know if Mrs. Qiao still had contact with the Ye family.

With no basis, she went to Ye's Group in confusion.

Perhaps God is wise and she was so lucky to bump into Mrs. Qiao's assistant Pei Yichen coming out of Ye's Group company.

Ye Ziyi did not dare to stop at all and chased after him.

 “Mr. Pei Yichen! Wait a minute!”

Pei Yichen paused when he heard someone calling his name. When he looked back, he saw that it was the little girl who was particularly destined to his old lady.

Pei Yichen stopped there, waiting for her, and asked politely: "Miss Qiao?"

  "I..." I was about to say something, but I felt that my mind was blank, and I didn't know how to speak with thousands of words.

"I...I want to know why you, Mrs. Qiao, recognize Li Mo'er as your granddaughter?"

Pei Yichen focused on the name, "What is Li Mo'er?"

"Don't you know?" Ye Weiwei remembered that Li Mo'er reminded her that she had changed her name. She explained to Pei Yichen, "The same Ye Mo'er she is now, she used to be called Li Mo'er."

Pei Yichen frowned and his voice suddenly became serious, "Li Mo'er? Your surname is Li? Not Qiao?"

Ye Weiwei opened his mouth slightly, "Why, why do you want to be named Qiao..."

When Pei Yichen reflexively asked her that question, Ye Weiyi had an answer in his mind.

 They must have found out that the Qiao family's daughter was adopted by the Ye family as an adopted daughter, but they didn't know that the adopted daughter's identity had already been changed to someone else's.

 Ye Weiyi guessed the truth from Pei Yichen's words, and Pei Yichen also found a flaw in Ye Weiwei's question.

“So, why did Miss Qiao ask that question, or what did Miss Qiao Lian plan to tell me?”

Ye Weiwei bit her lip, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She opened her eyes and looked at Pei Yichen, and slowly opened her lips: "What if I told you that I was the adopted daughter of the Ye family?"

Pei Yichen was shocked!

At this moment, Mrs. Qiao is waiting for Li Moer's arrival at home.

In recent years, Li Moer, who knows the truth, has been able to get close to Mrs. Qiao, and coax Mrs. Qiao into spinning around, who wants to compensate her granddaughter.

 She even has the location of Mrs. Qiao's residence in City S, and can enter and exit at any time.

When Mrs. Qiao received a call from Pei Yichen, she was cutting fruit leisurely, waiting for her granddaughter to arrive.

Pei Yichen acted very seriously on the phone, "Madam, I want to tell you something now, which may be a bit unbelievable."

Pei Yichen conveyed all the contents of his conversation with Ye Weiyi to Mrs. Qiao.

 Mrs. Qiao was shocked!

“You mean, Qiao Lian is my biological granddaughter? The so-called Mo’er is actually completely fake!”

As soon as Li Moer walked to the door, he heard Mrs. Qiao saying such words alone in the living room.

Li Moer pushed his feet out and carefully hid outside to eavesdrop.

She couldn't hear the specific content, but she knew from Mrs. Qiao's words that her identity had been exposed.

Li Mo'er didn't believe in evil, so she hurried back to Ye's house.

 When it was confirmed that Mrs. Ye was not there, Li Moer quietly stole the key and entered Ye Xichen's room.

  Want to recognize your relatives?

1. Tomorrow night we will look at the weekly active list. The top three on the active list will be mailed physical gifts (handicrafts, snack gift packs, 2000 book coins, of your choice starting from the first place), and the top ten on the overall list will be rewarded with red envelopes~[ Rewards, messages, and recommendation votes will all increase the activity value]

2. Qibao who has reached 2,000 fan points [disciple], please privately poke the administrator in the book club group at the age of three and a half to join the welfare group. 520 Chinese Valentine's Day will send red envelopes in it. Which pair of cp's small theater do you want to see? Please leave it alone in the book review area Leave a message, I may write a few small theaters for Chinese Valentine's Day to satisfy your imagination~



 (End of this chapter)

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