My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 348: He needs a loyal wolf

 Chapter 348 He needs a loyal wolf

While Bei Ye was lying in the hospital for five days, he thought he was an uninvited guest in the ward, and it was Ye Xichen.

Ye Xichen came alone and happened to miss the time of the others.

"Bei Ye, long time no see." He stood condescendingly beside the hospital bed, looking noble and natural.

Bei Ye remained silent but stared at Ye Xichen closely.

Ye Xichen confirmed that he was awake now, stood elegantly by the bed, and put forward the purpose of his trip straight to the point, "What do you think about the deal I told you last time?"

 “You go.”

A weak but firm voice sounded in the ward. This was the first thing Kitano said since he was injured and lying in the hospital!

Ye Xichen chuckled, "You don't want to agree?"

 “I don’t need it.” Beiye turned over and faced away.

Ye Xichen still maintained the same standing posture as when he came in. The expression on his face and the look in his eyes had not changed.

He said to Kitano: "The college entrance examination is coming soon, but I personally don't think the college entrance examination is the best way out for you."

Beiye treated him indifferently, "It has nothing to do with you."

Ye Xichen nodded, "OK!"

  That’s it for now, it’s useless to say more.

Ye Xichen is good at dealing with people, and he also knows how to guess people's hearts.

 He ​​walked around the head of the bed to face Bei Ye, leaving a card in front of him, showing a mysterious smile, "People always learn to regret after experiencing enough lessons!"

 He will not hold a grudge if he is rejected, nor will he feel that Kitano is disrespectful.

 If you want a wild wolf to surrender, you always need a certain amount of patience and ability.

 He wants a loyal wolf, and it doesn't matter if he spends more time and capital many times.

As long as he achieves his goal in the end, he is the winner!

Ye Xichen comes without a sound, and no one knows when he leaves.

Except for Yi Xueyao, who just walked over, she couldn't help but look back a few more times when she passed by Ye Xichen.

 Because that man... has an attractive physique.

She didn't see her face, but judging from the aura when she walked, she must be pretty, right?

Yi Xueyao pushed the door open and went in. She saw that Beiye had opened his eyes, and she smiled a little, "Beiye, are you awake? I brought you rice porridge."

Bei Ye didn't answer, and she was used to it. She took a bowl of porridge and brought it to Kitano.

Suddenly she saw something like a card in front of Beiye. Yi Xueyao reached out to take it, but Beiye was faster than her.

 “What is that?”

 “My stuff.”

“…” Yi Xueyao was so choked by his words that she couldn’t answer the next one.

However, Yi Xueyao had a good temper and pretended not to care, and brought the rice porridge to him again.

Beiye's resilience is really strong. Perhaps he carried it hard and did not allow himself to be weak. He had to sit up and eat by himself.

  Although he was usually indifferent to people, he would also say coldly: "Thank you" to anyone who helped him.

Yi Xueyao shook her head, "It's okay, we are all old friends."

Yi Xueyao no longer went to school, but was working outside. She couldn't stay with Beiye for long and left with the thermos bucket.

Before leaving, he also told him to take good care of his health, "I'll see you again after get off work."

Bei Ye frowned slightly.

 He is not used to strangers being nice to him, but now he is almost useless and has to rely on them!

By some strange coincidence, Beiye took out the card left by Ye Xichen and still remembered the three words Ye Xichen told him when he left: "Six zeros."

 Kitano tightened his hold on this card.

 He was sure that there was a lot of money in it! are 10,000 words about Brother Chen and Brother Bei, emmmm...Does anyone want to read it? Covering face in shame



 (End of this chapter)

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