My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 344: An Ran's hand is broken

Chapter 344 An Ran’s hand is broken

 “Anran, are you awake?”

“Xiao Li, help me, find Bei Ye.” Yu Anran spoke a little excitedly, coughed twice in a row, and his face was still flushed from the fever.

"Okay, okay, I'll help you find Bei Ye." Ye Weiyi was busy trying to calm her down. She didn't even know what happened to Yu Anran now.

 “Tell me first, what happened to you?”

"Bei Ye was blocked by someone, and when I rushed over, it was already too late... I blocked the blow for him and fainted. I don't know what happened next. My mother was beside me, and I didn't dare to wake up. I didn't know what to do. , Xiao Ling, you must help me!”

Yu Anran’s personality is difficult to ask for help, but because of Beiye, she asked Ye Ye for the only few times.

 She knows that Ye Youyi has a backer and knows that Ye Youyi has this ability.

 The only person she can trust is Ye Yiwei.

Ye Weiyi frowned after hearing this, "I'll go find him."


"Anran, take good care of your health. Once there is any news about Beiye, I will tell you as soon as possible. And the most important thing for you is to take care of yourself."

 “I know, thank you very much.”

Ye Weiwei shook his head and waved goodbye to her.

After Ye Weiwei went out, Yu Anran looked at the infusion needle still stuck on the back of his hand.

She put her right hand that was receiving the infusion on the bedside and tried to sit up with her left hand, but found that she couldn't exert the strength no matter what.

Yu Anran's expression changed, and she wanted to raise her left hand, but... it would hurt like a broken bone if she exerted any force.

 A bad feeling arose in her heart, her hand?

Suddenly there was a feeling of emptiness in her heart, which made her feel flustered for no reason.


 Ye only had the address of Beiye, which was a narrow alley filled with old houses.

But there is also an advantage. She can just ask downstairs and someone will give her directions.

Ye Ziwei successfully found Bei Ye's home, but no one answered the knock on the door.

The man next door went out for a walk with his dog. He saw a pretty girl standing there with an aunty smile and said, "The handsome guy next door is not at home, so stop knocking."

“Grandpa, do you know where he went?”

“I don’t know, that young man is quite nice, but a little wild.”

Ye Weiwei nodded politely in thanks.

 She came here and heard everyone's comments about Kitano being "a handsome guy and a nice guy, but a little wild".

 It seems that Kitano can do more than just fight or cause trouble. The neighbors like him quite a lot.

  But the only thing I came here for was not for Hall Kitano’s deeds, but to find someone.

 But after asking everyone around, Bei Ye has not been back for several days.

 Someone provided Ye Youyi with a bar address, which was the place Kitano often went to.

Ye Weiwei went to the bar to look for someone according to the address. When she saw the bar, which was not very large, she asked a few questions directly at the door.

This bar is small and does not have strict rules like the "Night" bar.

Ye Weiwei asked Bei Ye, and the gatekeeper could answer a few words, "Brother Bei is not here, he didn't come today."

Of course she knows Kitano is not here...

According to Yu Anran's description, Beiye should be seriously injured. She had searched the racing track and no one knew about it, and she had also asked around here. It seemed that none of these people knew that something had happened to Beiye.

 It seems that all the clues have been lost.

 But she did not receive any bad news. What she was sure of was that Beiye must have been rescued.

The hotel manager saw a beautiful girl standing in front of his bar. Her dress was incompatible with the place.

 “What’s going on with this little beauty?”

 “Oh, I’m here to see Brother Bei.”

   I feel sorry for my little beauty An Ran, and I’m asking for a wave of recommendation votes, comments and rewards~ Qibao people can wish for An Ran’s hand to be restored~



 (End of this chapter)

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