My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 342: How dare you hurt my daughter?

Chapter 342 How dare you hurt my daughter?

The Yu family's **** team took away the unconscious Yu Anran and Wang Hu, and the other younger brothers fled in fear.

It was raining heavily outside the eaves, and Beiye lay quietly on the cold ground, like a corpse.

Until a slender figure holding an umbrella passed by and noticed that something unusual was here.

The girl ran in holding an umbrella. When she saw the fainted person on the ground, she shouted the name "Bei Ye" in surprise.


Yu Anran was sent to the hospital for examination.

At this moment, Wang Hu was so frightened that he wet his buttocks. He knelt on the ground and kept begging, "Assistant Sun, I, the lady came here by herself. I didn't know."

Although he is bold outside, in today's society, money is king!

Wang Hu has no money. Compared with the Yu family, he is like an ant bumping into an elephant.

Wang Hu was extremely frightened. Although Yu Anran rushed over by himself, he hit Yu Anran with the solid blow with his own hands. If anything happened to Yu Anran, the Yu family would definitely kill him!

Wang Hu was in such a panic that he had no idea and only knew how to shift the responsibility to others.

Thinking that the Yu family looked down on Bei Ye, he simply put the blame on Bei Ye, "Assistant Sun, if you want to blame Bei Ye, blame that boy, he was the one who lured the lady here!"

“Trash!” Assistant Sun immediately raised his hand and slapped Wang Hu, “When the lady wakes up, I will naturally settle the score with you!”

When Wang Hu heard this, he sat down on the ground again. This time he couldn't even get up.

Bei Ye is the person Yu Anran likes. The reason why he dares to deal with Bei Ye like that is because the Yu family sent Assistant Sun to give him orders.

If something happens to Beiye alone, the Yu family will protect him.

 But if something happens to Miss Yu's family, the Yu's will only arrest her and hang her!

Wang Hu hurriedly took out his cell phone and asked the brothers wandering outside to inquire about Beiye.

 It felt good to vent for a while, but now he just wanted to save his own life! I pray that both Bei Ye and Yu Anran will be safe.

“Also, I’m warning you, delete everything on your phone.”

“Yes, yes, I will delete it right away.” Wang Hu understood instantly and deleted the recording file on his phone in front of Assistant Sun.

 Because those recordings were not of Yu Anran at all, but they deliberately found someone who could imitate the voice to speak.

He just deliberately waited for Beiye to listen to it when his mind was not clear and could no longer distinguish between true and false. Unexpectedly, Beiye was really angry to death.

The more Wang Hu thought about it, the more he regretted it.

 He is afraid that he will not be able to enjoy the money he earns!

At this moment, a lady hurried to the hospital, and the sound of high heels was loud in the corridor.

It was Mrs. Yu who came over with a blank expression, holding the cat with blue eyes.

Assistant Sun lowered his posture just to welcome Mrs. Yu.

“Madam, the lady is in stable condition now, she just needs some time to wake up.”

Mrs. Yu nodded to indicate that she understood the situation.

She then asked: "Who did it?"

Wang Hu kept shaking his head at Assistant Sun, but Assistant Sun pointed at Wang Hu without mercy, "That's him."

“Bang!” Mrs. Yu raised her foot and kicked Wang Hu directly. The sharp high heels hurt Wang Hu, and he rolled around on the ground in pain.

“Who gave you the courage to hurt my daughter?”

Wang Hu rolled around on the ground and knelt down, "Mrs. Yu, this incident is really an accident. If you want to blame it, blame it on Bei Ye, who is a disaster. The young lady was injured because of him!"

 “Where is Kitano?”

"Madam, I'm afraid...his life is in danger..."

Mrs. Yu still loves An Ran very much, but her love is a bit extreme. She has been hurt and ruined most of her life. She doesn't want her daughter to follow her old path.



 (End of this chapter)

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