My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 335: Brother, I don’t like you anymore

Chapter 335 Brother, I don’t like you anymore

 “Wow!” Ye Weiwei was startled.

"Let Su Yichen help you solve the problem, you are very smart." Hearing Ye Xichen's sarcastic words.

Ye Weiwei shook his head vigorously, "I don't know, I don't have it!"

She just took a picture of the problem and sent it to Shen Nian'an to cry out, but she never thought about cheating to solve the problem. She couldn't clean it up even if she jumped into the Yellow River.

Ye Weiwei hurriedly handed over the phone, "Read the record yourself, I will only complain to An An... Ah, it must have been sent by An An."

Every time Shen Nian'an encountered a mathematical problem and couldn't solve it, he would go back to Su Yichen and ask if there was a way to solve the problem.

Su Yichen is a master of mathematics. He can score 145 in every exam and never makes a miscalculation.

 Shen Nian'an must have mistakenly thought that she was going to solve a problem!

Ye Xichen touched his chin and made a sudden comment, "Su Yichen is really an eyesore."

Ye Weiwei immediately raised his hand with three fingers and vowed, "I swear I have nothing to do with him!"

"Well." Ye Xichen suddenly bent down, pulled out a piece of white draft paper, grabbed Ye Weiwei's little hand holding the penholder, and whispered in her ear: "His problem-solving method is wrong, I will teach you ”

 The voice that suddenly became gentle was like a warm breeze blowing on a person's body and brushing her ears. Ye Weiyi felt that her heart was hot, and it was so hot that it was beating hard.

Ye Xichen caught a glimpse of the two blushes that crept up on her face, and smiled lightly but without revealing anything.

She was clearly trying to seduce others, but she also pretended to be serious and "scolded" her, "Concentrate on the topic!"

"Oh." Although he was a little distracted, Ye Weiwei was definitely a good kid who loved to study. He read the questions seriously.

Under Ye Xichen's personal guidance, Ye Weiwei quickly understood the idea of ​​​​this difficult problem, and the answer he solved was the same as Su Yichen's result.

But didn’t brother just say that was wrong?

Ye Weiwei was thinking in his mind and asked, "Hey, isn't it the same as Su Yichen's answer?"

Ye Xichen told her without changing his expression, "This one is more concise and easier to understand."

Ye Weiyi seriously compared the two ways of answering questions. It was indeed Ye Xichen's solution that was more concise and clear. A smile instantly broke out on her face, "Oh, it's true, brother, you are so awesome, awesome!"

 The little girl liked him unreservedly, and the admiration and joy in her eyes were undisguised.

Ye Xichen was in a good mood. He reached out and pinched her face that was getting thinner. "Little Lingdang's mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter."

 “Is there anything sweeter you want to try?”

“…” Ye Xichen was stunned for a moment. Was he being teased?

Soon, he lost his slight surprise, and the corner of his mouth curved into a smile, "Really, I really want to know what is sweeter."

 “Brother, close your eyes.”

Ye Xichen gently closed her eyes as she wished. The long and slender eyelashes were curled naturally, which was so beautiful that it made people jealous.

The only mysterious laughter in the night.

Hand out a jar of honey beside the desk, scoop it up with a disposable spoon and apply it to Ye Xichen's lips.

Ye Xichen naturally felt wet, and when his lips curled up slightly, they felt sticky, and he tasted a greasy sweetness on the tip of his tongue.

 He still maintained the posture of leaning forward, reaching out to grab Ye Youyi's chin.

“Ah!” Ye Weiwei exclaimed and tried to run away, but...

  I sat down on an empty chair and fell to the ground with a bang.

  A strong dissatisfaction burst out from the small bedroom, "Brother! I don't like you anymore!"

In front of Brother Chen, Little Lingdang will still live the cutest and most innocent look.



 (End of this chapter)

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