My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 326: Just playing with him

Chapter 326: Just playing with him

"An Ran, you are indeed the daughter of the Yu family. You are just a poor boy who just plays for fun. Let's break up with him as soon as possible."

 “Okay, mother.”

Beiye clenched his hands into fists, his joints crackling.

 Yu Anran! The girl he liked the most, the girl he trusted without reservation, actually told others the things he least wanted others to know!

Also admitting that you were just playing with him?

Bei Ye was so angry that he almost rushed in. The gardener who had finished watering passed by carrying his tools honestly without even turning his eyes.

 Being so disturbed, Kitano remembered that this was the Yu family!

 Bei Ye quickly retreated.

Mrs. Yu, who was holding the cat in the house, had a meaningful smile on her face.

She threatened Yu Anran, "You are allowed to go back to school tomorrow. You'd better deal with the matter, otherwise you won't be given such a light lesson as a beating next time!"

Yu Anran stared unwillingly at the pieces of paper scattered in front of her. All the information about Kitano's mentally ill father was written on them.

 Her mother had already found out Kitano's life experience, and she used this to threaten her.

If she doesn't compromise, her mother will not only intensify her attack on Kitano, but also harm Kitano's father.


The nightlife in the bar with flashing lights is complicated and complicated. The music on the stage stimulates the eardrums. Looking at the charming appearance of the dancing girls, the men and women in the audience cheer happily.

 Kitano is sitting at the bar, with a casual and domineering posture, and a graceful movement of raising his head while drinking. Even if he is pressed against him, he can't stop his wild handsomeness!

A little girl with a killer haircut took a fancy to Kitano's good looks, and came over with a glass of wine, smiling brightly, "Handsome man, drinking alone is boring, let's drink together!"

 “Tsk.” Beiye held her chin, lowered his head as if to kiss her.

The little girl was so excited that she spilled all the wine in the glass onto her legs. The red wine-colored liquid dripped onto her snow-white legs, which looked very exciting.

The little girl had already pretended to be shy, closed her eyes and pouted, but she didn't wait for the kiss, only to hear a loud "bang" in her ears!


Beiye threw the wine glass to the ground wildly.


 The people watching the excitement scattered around in fear.

Suddenly a rough voice came out, "Who the **** dares to cause trouble here!"

A man with a big cigarette **** in his mouth came out. His tall figure "covering a wide area" was in sharp contrast to Kitano's tall and straight body.

Just when the little sister was feeling nervous for Beiye, the burly man with a big cigarette **** in his mouth instantly bent over and offered the red wine in his hand, saying in a dog-legged manner: "Brother Bei, Brother Bei, you drink."

Everyone was shocked, no one dared to mess with him casually.

Bei Ye glanced over with cold eyes and sternly uttered one word, "Get out!"

Bei Ye was once famous in this area for fighting at the risk of his life, and conquered a group of brothers.

Even if he is not a brother, everyone on the road basically knows him.

The manager of the bar quickly came out to appease the crowd and "invited" Kitano to a private room.

“I said Beiye, can I call you big brother? Don’t cause trouble for me here. I don’t want to be fired by my boss.”

 Obviously, Kitano is already very familiar with the people here.

This bar is not big and the consumption is low. It is suitable for young people who love to have fun and hang out. Kitano has been a customer here for many years and has become familiar with it.

 “Get out.” Beiye still said one word and refused to say more.

“No, brother, tell me what’s going on with you.”

 “I’m just a bitch!” That’s why I fell in love with that heartless woman with all my heart!

 (End of this chapter)

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