My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 314: No one can coax him except him

Chapter 314: No one can coax him except him

 Ye Weiwei had just entered Gu Chengxi's surveillance range as soon as he ran out of the amusement park.

“Mr. Gu, my people have discovered Miss Qiao’s whereabouts!”

 “Follow her and see what she does.”

Ye Weiwei took a taxi back to the apartment. She wanted to get her cell phone back to contact Ye Xichen.

Gu Chengxi and Dr. Huo couldn't guess her plan and didn't dare to act rashly.


Ye Xichen finally woke up after being in a coma for an afternoon. Madam Ye and Li Moer who were guarding the bedside were the first to hear his cough.


 “Brother Chen!”

Two voices sounded at the same time, one was his familiar mother, and the other’s familiar name and similar timbre almost made him fall into a trance.

"What time is it right now?"

 He had just woken up, his lips and teeth were chapped, and his voice was so hoarse that he could not speak clearly.

Mrs. Ye hurriedly comforted him and told him to have a good rest. Li Moer took a glass of warm water and handed it over, "Brother Chen, drink some water."

Ye Xichen turned a blind eye and looked for his things beside the bed.

"Chen'er, what are you looking for? Don't worry about it if you are not in good health." After all, he is her own son. When Mrs. Ye thought of what the doctor said, she felt like a thorn in her heart.

 “Ahem… mobile phone.”

 “Mobile phone, your phone is here.”

Now that Ye Xichen wanted something, Mrs. Ye could only follow his wishes and hurriedly took out the mobile phone from her bag and returned it to him.

Sure enough, there are all missed calls.

 Dial the number to Ye Weiyi quickly, and the cold artificial echo repeats over and over again in your ears: Sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off.

Mrs. Ye caught a glimpse of the note out of the corner of her eye, and immediately felt angry, "What do you still care about that bitch? You are thinking about her all the time, and now you are lying here in a car accident, and why is she not even half a figure seen?"

 “Mom! The only thing is that she doesn’t know at all.”

"Humph! Of course she didn't know. You hid it from everyone, not even us."

Ye Xichen had no intention of arguing with Madam Ye about this problem, so he lifted up the thin blanket and rushed out of the room. Sure enough, he found Gu Chengxi next door.

Hush into the door and see Gu Chengxi and Dr. Huo sitting in separate places, but not Ye Weiwei.

Ye Xichen asked: "Where is she?"

Gu Chengxi replied: "On the way back to the apartment."

"I told you to guard her! Don't leave her alone!" Frowning, Ye Xichen was very dissatisfied with the actions of Gu Chengxi and Dr. Huo.

“Cough.” He endured the pain in his chest and turned to leave.

Madam Ye, who was chasing after her, guessed his plan, "Do you still want to find that bitch? You are not allowed to go, you go back to the room and lie down!"

 “Mom, I don’t have time to argue with you now.”

Since there were others present, Mrs. Ye would not go too far. She only said such unqualified words out of anger.

While Gu Chengxi and Dr. Huo stood nearby and watched, Madam Ye took a deep breath and put on her airs, "Chen'er, your body is important. Whatever you want to do, you can arrange for your servants to do it."


The only thing that happened in the night was something that no one but him could do well.

Ye Xichen insisted on leaving and took Dr. Huo with him.

Madam Ye and Li Moer wanted to stop them, but Gu Chengxi suddenly winked at the housekeeper and stopped the two of them "politely".

On the other hand, Ye Weiyi finally returned to the apartment to retrieve his mobile phone, but found that he couldn't turn it on.

 She knocked her head and quickly found the charger to pick it up.

 Pressing the power button, the gradually brightening screen illuminated her eyes.

  Have you noticed the good things Gu Chengxi did? ? ?



 (End of this chapter)

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