My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 312: my little princess

 Chapter 312 My little princess

The doctor told Madam Ye about Ye Xichen's condition in a brief and horrified manner. When Madam Ye heard this, her eyes darkened on the spot.

Li Moer was also shocked.

 “You are mistaken! How could my son get that kind of disease!”

“Madam, please trust our doctor’s professional diagnosis. If you have any other questions, please wait in the doctor’s office temporarily. The attending doctor in charge of treatment will tell you his specific situation.”

“I don’t believe it! You quack doctors, I want to transfer my son to another hospital!”

Mrs. Ye shook her head and expressed doubts about the doctor's diagnosis in a stern voice.

 He contacted the Gu family and wanted to transfer Ye Xichen to the Gu family's hospital.

 At the same time, Gu Chengxi received the news that Ye Xichen was hospitalized.

 “Tsk, these two people are really not meant for each other.”

 One is coming back, and the other is running away.

 Missing each other, I don’t know who it is to torture!

Now Gu Chengxi knows that these two people are here to torment him!

Gu Chengxi tugged on his suit and tie, frowning deeply, "It's so annoying!"

He is a doctor who treats illnesses and saves people, but he is not an emotional expert who takes care of children with schizophrenia!

Dr. Huo shook his head helplessly. Thinking of the huge reward given by Ye Xichen, he became particularly concerned about the affairs of these two people.

“Doctor Gu, where are we going now?”

 “Care for the family.”

Madam Ye has already said that she would take Ye Xichen there, and now that it is known that Ye Xichen has a heart problem, he is not allowed to go back to save that brother's life!

Mrs. Ye transferred Ye Xichen to the Gu family, and Gu Chengxi diagnosed and treated him personally.

Mrs. Ye looked anxiously and asked him about the test results, "Mr. Gu, how is my son's health?"

Gu Chengxi replied coldly: "There is indeed something wrong with his heart."

Mrs. Ye subconsciously questioned again: "Impossible! I arrange a physical examination for him every year, why have I never found any problems!"

“Ye Xichen doesn’t want to tell you, so of course you won’t find out.”

If it hadn’t been for this accident and the person involved could not have prevented the truth of the matter, Ye Xichen would have chosen to continue to conceal it.

Gu Chengxi left for the time being and ordered his men, "Send more people to Qiao Ling's side and make sure to take her to the Gu family as soon as possible!"


They directly contacted people from the police station to search secretly. If Ye Wei was in a public place, the frequency of being discovered would increase.

 They took people to the neighborhood of Yejia, to the "Yese" bar, and even to school.

After searching around for a long time, it was already dark, but there was no sign of anyone at all!

Gu Chengxi took off his white coat and sat in the lounge, where Dr. Huo was still waiting.

I have guessed before, "Is it possible that she will find Ye Xichen?"

 But after checking all the flights in S city, there is no information about Night.

Dr. Huo's final conclusion was, "She no longer believes in Ye Xichen. When she has a strong sense of self-protection, she will inevitably go to a place with deep memories."

 But none of them knew where Ye Yiyi’s memory was most profound.

Ye Xichen may know it, but Ye Xichen himself cannot protect himself!

 Evening breeze, slightly cool.

 The lively crowd was full of laughter and laughter.

A petite figure was sitting on a chair under a big tree, quietly listening to the conversations of the passers-by around him.

 “My little princess, did you have fun today?”

 “Happy! Mom and Dad will come to play next time!”

 Hearing these conversations, her head hurt so much that it felt like it would explode, but she couldn't bear to leave.

   Thanks to "Qianyi, 183^84, Yimu, Bustling City" for the reward~

  guess where the little bell is?

   Oh, it’s really not cruel! Qixi will not let them misunderstand each other! Dual personality is a hidden danger for Xiao Lingdang. She needs an opportunity to dare to face her true self.



 (End of this chapter)

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