My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 310: My neck was pinched red

Chapter 310: My neck was pinched red

After hanging up the phone, Ye Weiwei returned the phone to Gu Chengxi, bowed his head and apologized to him, "I'm sorry."

Gu Chengxi narrowed his eyes, "Finally willing to leave?"

Ye Weiyi still lowered his head, but his voice suddenly became heavy, "But if you tell him about me, you won't be able to feel better."

Gu Chengxi glanced back at Dr. Huo.

Dr. Huo shook his head slowly.

  She behaved very well-behaved on the way back with Ye Weiyi. She sat alone in the back seat, staring at the changing scenery outside the window. Occasionally she would reach out and yawn, her eyes still red.

 The scene on the roadside became more and more familiar, and Ye Weiwei's expression and eyes became more lively than before.

Doctor Huo has been quietly paying attention to her every move and trying to talk to her, "Miss Qiao and Mr. Ye have always had a good relationship."

 “Of course! We grew up together!”

 As long as he praised their good relationship, Ye Weiwei was happy to answer, showing obvious interest and a little excitement.

Doctor Huo pushed up his glasses and said, "Mr. Ye loves Miss Qiao very much. Although you are not related by blood, your relationship is deeper than that of many real brothers and sisters."

With just this sentence, the smile on Ye Weiwei's face disappeared in an instant, and she retorted coldly, "We are not brothers and sisters."


Dr. Huo coughed deliberately to change the topic.

Ye’s only attention was attracted by the scene in front of her, “We’re almost home!”

 The car slowed down and stopped on the side of the road.

Ye Weiwei opened the car door and ran straight towards the apartment.

Her speed is quite fast. Gu Chengxi always keeps a meter distance behind her, but Dr. Huo is already panting while running, "I can't keep up with the pace of young people."

Ye Weiwei took out the key and unlocked the door, then opened the door expectantly and went in, "Brother!"

 “Brother Chen?”

She didn't even bother to take off her shoes. She searched around the living room and shouted around but didn't get any response.

Even though I don’t want to admit it,...Ye Xichen just didn’t come back!

 “I’m going to call him.”

Ye Weiyi panicked and took out his cell phone to dial Ye Xichen's number, but no one answered.

Even Gu Chengxi, who was standing calmly beside him, frowned.

 Ye Xichen did return to S City. According to time calculation, he should have returned here, but now he has not.

 At this moment, he cannot be contacted.


 The phone slipped from his fingers, Ye Weiwei arched his back in despair, "He's not here."

 “He lied to me.”

 Gu Chengxi saw that she was in a bad mood and walked up to her, "Qiao Li, calm down."

“He clearly said he was at home, and you heard it, right? But now he’s not, and he’s still not answering my call. He lied to me!”

Dr. Huo, who finally caught up, heard bad words at the door, and quickly made up an excuse to calm her down, "Miss Qiao, Mr. Ye must be delayed by something. Look at the time. It's peak hour after get off work. It'll be a little later." Very normal.”


"Definitely." Dr. Huo was confident in his words, but Ye Weiwei refused to believe it.

 She looked up at Gu Chengxi, obviously seeking confirmation.

Doctor Huo stood behind Ye Weiwei and winked at Gu Chengxi. Gu Chengxi frowned and nodded reluctantly.

 “Then I’ll wait for him here!”

Ye Weiwei sat down on the sofa obediently and was in a daze.

Doctor Huo wiped the sweat from his forehead and whispered to Gu Chengxi: "We can't eat chicken now. The patient's mind is very fragile."

 “Fragile? I think her strength is worth exploding!”

Gu Chengxi even touched his neck, which turned red.

  Suddenly I feel that this picture of Gu Chengxi is pretty good for Little Bell? What do you think of Gu Chengxi? Is there any potential for development as a supporting role?

Sit down nicely! Wait for Brother Chen

Recently, many Qibao have drawn pictures in the book review area. They are all super cute. You can go and take a look. It’s nice~



 (End of this chapter)

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