My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 304: Forced to break up on the rooftop

Chapter 304: Forced to break up on the rooftop

Ye Weiwei was wasted in the dormitory today, and now he is rushing to attend evening self-study.

As soon as she went upstairs, she bumped into Kitano. She waved her hand casually and said hello: "Good morning...what's wrong with your face?"

Bei Ye touched the blood mark with red marks on his face and said nonchalantly to her, "I touched it by accident."

“Here are the OK bandages for you. An Ran will be worried to death when he sees them.” Ye Weiwei quickly took out the OK bandages from his schoolbag and gave them to him, and continued running upstairs.

Unexpectedly, Beiye suddenly sped up and caught up with her, took her arm, his face was calm, and his voice was serious: "Qiao Li, don't tell her."

 “Okay, okay, I won’t tell you anymore, I’m going to be late.”

Over the past year, because of Yu Anran's relationship, Ye Weiwei was familiar with Bei Ye, at least as a friend, so she would say hello to him. If she met someone else, she would not waste time.

Ye Weiwei rushed to the classroom and had two minutes before the bell rang. She exhaled and put down her schoolbag.

 Looking up and seeing Yu Anran immersed in her homework two rows ahead, Ye Weiwei sighed helplessly.

Yesterday morning when Yu Anran came to class, she noticed that Yu Anran was walking with a limp. When she asked, Yu Anran said that she accidentally twisted it, and said that if Kitano came to see her, she would try to hide it.

 She met Bei Ye again this morning. Unexpectedly, Bei Ye was injured and told her not to tell Yu Anran.

 These two people…


Isn't this the same as when Ye Xichen hid it from her?

 Although it was difficult, she could understand the reluctance to make the other person worry.

 “I’d better shut up.”

Ye Weiwei chose to shut up now, but two days later she discovered that Yu Anran’s foot injury was not healed, and Bei Ye had an extra scar on his face!

The two of them had a tacit agreement not to see each other for the past few days, until they were eating in the cafeteria in the afternoon, and something about Kitano reached Yu Anran's ears.

“I don’t know what Kitano was thinking. He even injured himself on the eve of the college entrance examination. How could he get into college like that?”

 Perhaps the classmate’s words were exaggerated, but Yu Anran stood up on the spot.

"I have something to go."

Yu Anran ran away after saying the next sentence.

Ye Weiwei poked at the rice in the bowl with his chopsticks and couldn't eat it.

Taken out her cell phone to call Ye Xichen. The connection was quickly connected, but she heard a mixed sound, as if there were many people.

“Brother Chen, what are you doing? It sounds so noisy.”

“After signing a contract, people from the team came out to sing karaoke.”

 The noise on the phone gradually diminished. It must be that Ye Xichen left the room.

Just when Ye Weiwei was about to tell Ye Xichen about her recent irritability, she heard another woman's voice coming from the microphone.

“Ye Xichen, there is actually something I have wanted to tell you for a long time. I will leave school for an internship soon. If I don’t tell you, I’m afraid I won’t have the chance.”

“Ye Xichen, you are very good, I like you, can you be my boyfriend?”

The more Ye Weiyi listened, his ears stood up.

Varied! What! Affection! condition!

Someone confessed to Ye Xichen in front of her "ears"?

Without waiting for Ye Xichen to reply, Ye Weiwei directly denied it three times on the phone, "No! No! Not allowed!"

 Everyone in the cafeteria looked at her.

Ye Weiwei pursed her lips and quickly ran away with her cell phone.

She left the cafeteria and was about to listen to what was going on between Ye Xichen and the girl who confessed her love. Shen Nianan happened to come towards her and hurriedly grabbed her hand.

“Qiao Li, something happened! Beiye forced An Ran to the rooftop!”

  Thanks Yanyan for the reward~

I heard that CP is reversible and irremovable?



 (End of this chapter)

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