My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 276: She is so black that she doesn't know how to show mercy.

Chapter 276: She turned black and didn’t know how to show mercy

 Ye Weiwei and others didn't know that there was an invisible hand behind the scenes, adding fuel to the flames, uncovering the truth bit by bit.

 They found Lin Moyu and got her to surrender without any effort.

Lin Moyu and the judge uncle promised to apologize, but asked her not to make this matter a big deal.

Lin Moyu changed from her previous mature look, without even putting on light makeup, and appeared directly in front of Ye Weiwei without makeup, begging her to stop there, "If this matter gets out, my life-long dream will be ruined."

Ye Weiwei took a deep breath and tried to suppress the anger welling up in his heart, "Your dream is very important. Is it so important that you can just plagiarize other people's achievements?"

 “Please be noble and let us go this time.”

Lin Moyu repeatedly begged for mercy, but Ye Yiwei left silently.

 She was kicking stones as she walked on the road, with Su Yichen and Yu Anran accompanying her on the left and right.

 “They should be punished if they make mistakes, so you don’t have to be soft-hearted.”

 “I know, I’m just thinking about other things.”

Ye Weiwei was in a bad mood and said he wanted to be alone, but the three of them eventually dispersed and went home.

At night, Weiwei took a taxi back to the apartment, sent out all the complaint letters he had prepared before, and posted what Lin Moyu had done online.

After everything was done, her pursed lips rose, and the stimulating pleasure in her heart made people feel extremely happy!

There are many people who are famous for their right and wrong, but when the truth is revealed bit by bit, Lin Moyu's reputation is in ruins.

Lin Moyu approached Ye Weiyi angrily, "I've begged you before, why do you still want to kill them all!"

Ye Weiwei was playing with a pen in her hand. There was no anger on her face, but a smile on her face, "If you beg me, will I agree to it?"

The reason why Lin Moyu dared to yell at Ye Weiwei like this was because she was petite and weak.

However, the person she thought was petite and weak no longer acted angry like a child today, as if he was a different person.

Lin Moyu was so angry that he said, "So you admitted it! You did the complaint and everything online?"

 “Yes.” Ye Weiwei nodded and admitted with a sweet smile.

Lin Moyu pointed with his hand, his whole body trembling, "Why are you so vicious at such a young age!"

"Auntie, what's the matter with you? I'm just publishing the truth. How can I call it vicious?"

Lin Moyu rushed towards Yewei with a broken jar.

Ye Weiyi dodges quickly.

Judge Lin, who was chasing Lin Moyu, quickly stopped him and said, "Yu'er, stop making trouble and apologize to Miss Qiao!"

 At the end of the day, I am still young and energetic, and at this stage I still don’t know that lowering my profile is the best option.

"Uncle, didn't you say that she is just a high school student with no money and no power? Why did things get to this point? What should I do in the future!"

 “Don’t talk nonsense, Miss Qiao has a distinguished status, please apologize quickly!”


Ye Weiwei suddenly struck the case, his sharp gaze directed at the uncle and nephew, "What do you mean by this!"

 This matter...who helped her?

 A few days later.

 The sound theft incident was finally resolved, and Ye Weiwei did not expose her true identity online, and her life seemed to have returned to peace.

 Ye Yiwei specially invited guests to dinner as a token of his gratitude.

Speaking of the information, Ye Weiwei asked tentatively: "Su Yichen, when you said you asked your friends to search for information, are you hiding something from me?"

“Sorry, I lied before because I was afraid of your rejection. In fact, he is not a friend, but someone I hired with money.”

It’s so…

 It seems that she is overthinking. The so-called backer is just Su Yichen spending money to smooth things over for her?

  Happily~ Let me tell you that the other side of Little Bell doesn’t know what it means to be soft-hearted~

How much do you want Brother Chen to be tortured?



 (End of this chapter)

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