My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 258: not the first time

Chapter 258 is not the first time

“I don’t want any gifts! Ye Xichen is a bad guy, a big idiot!”

 “Let’s play with your Xu Tangxi!”

Ye only vented to the communication record that had been hung up, but the person on the other side couldn't hear her.

 Why did Ye Xichen hang up the phone when another woman called her?

 Not coming back for New Year’s Day? With Xu Tangxi? Hang up on her?

 No one is the only one that Ye can accept calmly.

 “Don’t give me a reason!”

If Ye Xichen explained the reason to her properly, she would still understand.

 But what now?

Ye Xichen has Xu Tangxi standing next to him all the time!

Ye Weiwei couldn't help but call Gong Qianli and cry, "I know Xu Tangxi has a good figure, a good family background, and good abilities. I can also play games with him..."

“But I’m working hard too! My academic performance is improving, and I can also play games with him. Why doesn’t he wait for me to grow up!”

Gong Qianli was so frightened that she had no time to understand the situation, so she could only try to calm her down, "You must have misunderstood. What Brother Chen cares about most is you."

“No misunderstanding, this is not the first time at all. I have called him many times and I can always hear Xu Tangxi’s voice.”

 Thinking about the lonely man and the widow getting along with each other every day, but they are still...together at this late night!

 How could you not think more about it!

“Only, if you have any doubts, just tell Brother Chen what you are thinking.”

“I wanted to talk to him, but he didn’t have time to listen and hung up on me. I didn’t even say anything before hanging up on me!”

“Then confront Brother Chen?”


 They are far apart, how can they confront each other face to face?

 I felt better after confiding in Gong Qianli.

 But Ye Yiyi was still unhappy overall, and this mood lasted until the next day.

Lu Baiyang stood beside Su Yichen and said, "Brother Su, I think the squad leader is in a bad mood today."

Su Yichen glanced at him and suddenly took out a piece of colored paper from under the table, "Give this to her."

 “What the **** is this?”

The two made eye contact, but Lu Baiyang failed.

Lu Baiyang suddenly rushed to Ye Weiwei and patted her on the table, "Squad leader, look at this."

Lu Baiyang slapped the paper that had been printed in color on her desk.

When Ye Weiwei unfolded it, the four words "Singer Contest" in artistic font were very conspicuous.

Lu Baiyang said: "There is a singing competition in the city on New Year's Day. Last time, monitor, you led our class to take first place. Such a good singing voice cannot be wasted. Go and participate in this."

 Ye Weiwei shook his head expressionlessly, "I won't go."


Lu Baiyang spread his hands to Su Yichen. When he received Su Yichen's meaningful look, he turned around and continued to persuade: "Go to the monitor, you can get the first class according to your ability. You will be a celebrity in our school by then. What a blessing." Have a face."

Ye Weiwei had an idea, grabbed Lu Baiyang's clothes and said, "I'll go!"

Lu Baiyang turned around and gave Su Yichen an "OK" gesture.

Ye Youwei signed up and deliberately spread the good news to the four of them.

Gong Qianli is always the first to jump out, "Youyi, you are awesome, I support you! I will hold roses to support you when the time comes."

Nangong Luo then expressed his support, "My only sister, if you win the first prize, I will give you a double gift!"

 The only news that Ke Ye wanted to wait for the most has not yet come.

 From noon to evening when he sent the message, Ye Xichen did not reply once.

When you are dissatisfied with Brother Chen, it’s time for Brother Chen to **** your heart on Chinese Valentine’s Day, hahaha

No one can guess what Brother Chen is doing



 (End of this chapter)

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