My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 255: Elementary school classmate, male

Chapter 255 Primary school classmate, male

Ye Weiwei helped the sick Shen Nian'an to work and stayed at the roast duck restaurant to change into work clothes.

“If someone asks you to ask, you must say that you are over 16 and that you are working here to help your family!”

 The aunt who introduced her to a part-time job repeatedly warned her.

Ye Youwei nodded vigorously, while the scholar packed the roast duck and delivered the things.

 In fact, they are all very simple tasks that do not require technical skills, but it is still tiring to do this all the time without taking a break.

Gong Qianli found her and watched Ye Weiwei serving tea and cleaning the table. At that time, the feeling in her heart...

 “Only! You are really doing something!”

 Ye Weiwei raised the wrapping paper in his hand and winked mischievously, "Well, otherwise, I've already agreed to it."

Gong Qianli, who was protecting the calf, couldn't understand, so she almost grabbed her ear and lectured her, "Do you think you are just looking for trouble? She can just ask for leave when she is sick. Do you need to work so hard for her?"

"No, although An An usually likes to stay alone and read, she is actually a very considerate person. Last time I was sick and stayed up late doing things, she would help me."

 A person's sincerity is not reflected on the surface, but is reflected in the details.

  Shen Nian'an's help to her may have been insignificant, but she kept it in mind.

 Now is the time to repay, and she will not be stingy.

 “I feel really sorry for the only cutie in my family.”

 “It doesn’t matter, just a day or two.”

 There were a lot of people on weekend nights, and the two of them didn't even say a word before they were constantly noisy by the guests.

“Waiter, hurry up, we don’t have any sauce here!”

“The waiter will bring you some tea.”

Ye Weiwei has never done any of these things before. Although it won't cause any problems, sometimes mistakes can happen when people shout at her.

Gong Qianli snatched the kettle from Ye Weiyi's hand and said, "I'll deliver this to you."

“No, Liuli, you can go play next to it.”

"How can that work! You can be a friend, and I can be a friend!" Although Gong Qianli is a wealthy lady, she is truly loyal to her friends.

Friendship is that simple.

Ye was the only one who couldn't resist her, and carefully asked Gong Qianli to put on the apron, "You are wearing white today. Put this on quickly so it doesn't get dirty. It's clean."

 Two people work together to get twice the result with half the effort.

 Coming out of the Book City, Meng Ze passed by the roast duck restaurant and his eyes were caught.

Because he saw Gong Qianli with a high ponytail wearing an apron with the "BJ Roast Duck" logo in a roast duck restaurant, serving tea and water!

Mengze stepped into the door of the roast duck restaurant without hesitation.

 “Hey, please give me some space.”

Gong Qianli was holding a teapot in her hand and inadvertently caught Meng Ze's gaze.

 “Hey, a classmate from elementary school!”

"Why are you here?" Meng Ze looked at Gong Qianli's dress and behavior in confusion.

He knew that Gong Qianli's family was well off, and he was curious as to why she, a wealthy lady, would be willing to work in a place like this.

Gong Qianli shrugged and told him calmly, "My friend is sick, and I'm here to help."

Brown eyes stared at her, and a soft smile appeared on Meng Ze's face, "You are always so kind..."

● Gong Qianli has inadvertently established a great image by being enthusiastic, helpful, and not complaining even when doing these "chores."

 Meng Ze was surprised to realize a more special and excellent side of her.

Gong Qianli patted her chest, "It's important for people to show some brotherhood in the world!"

“Last time I said that I would like to treat my elementary school classmates to dinner. It would be better to choose a different day. After you and your friends have finished your work here, shall I treat you to dinner?”


To take a prevention needle, Liuli's emotional road is really a bit curved, you can never guess



 (End of this chapter)

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