My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 234: Ye Xichen's university

Chapter 234 Ye Xichen’s University

“Brother Chen, you finally called me back!” Ye Weiwei was extremely happy when she received the call.

 The person on the other end was silent for a while, and a chuckle escaped from his mouth, "Brother? Isn't it my little girlfriend?"

"I, I, I, I'm just joking." Ye Weiyi explained with trembling corners of his mouth, smiling coquettishly at the phone.

 She can say anything in front of others, but when facing Ye Xichen, she unconsciously became timid.

It was strange. She knew she liked him, and he had mentioned being a couple, but there was a feeling that reminded her that they couldn't be together yet.

I always feel that there is an unintentional wall between the two of them, which cannot be broken from beginning to end!

However, it’s so complicated to think about it now, and it gives me a headache just to stop thinking about it.

Ye Weiwei held the phone and started having a long conversation with Ye Xichen, which was like talking on the phone.

The senior brother looked at the time on the wall clock, reached out to pat Ye Weiwei's shoulder, and whispered, "Little junior sister, your rest time is over and you should start training."

Yeye Weiwei patted him back, signaling to stop making noise.

The senior brother walked around her and stood in front of her with his hands on his hips. His tall figure towered... so powerful.

“Ahem.” Ye Weiwei deliberately coughed twice and said into the phone: “Brother Chen, I just promised to give Senior Brother a large box of rainbow lollipops. You can buy them for me, okay?”

 The figure of the senior brother immediately disappeared from sight.

After a while, the senior brother poked Ye Weiwei's back again, "Little junior sister, we should start training."

Putting his index finger up to his mouth, Ye Weiwei turned his head and made a silencing gesture to his senior brother.

The senior brother pretended to be cold and shook his head at her.

Ye Weiwei narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Brother Chen, what flavor do you want? Ah, senior brother likes fruity flavors."

The senior brother gave her a thumbs up and "liked" her behavior and walked away.

 After a while, the senior brother directly pulled Ye Weiyi up.

Ye Weiyi almost dropped his cell phone when he wasn't paying attention.

 “Sir, please wait a moment.”

“Junior sister, Master Shirley is back.”


Ye Weiwei reluctantly hung up the phone and practiced with his senior brother.

Shirley, who had just returned from abroad, came in and saw the "performance" of the two good disciples, and nodded with satisfaction.

 She knew that her great disciple had a sense of responsibility.

Shirley praised a few words: "Not bad, not bad. Meng Nan has always been rigorous. I feel relieved to have him guide you in practice."

The two people who were practicing almost slipped on their feet when they heard this sentence!

Senior brother, is he rigorous? Just cheat him out of a rainbow lollipop, okay?


  G City.

Institute of Finance.

 Several students in formal attire were sitting in the office talking about business plans with teachers in management and entrepreneurship.

In this famous finance school, everyone has top-notch abilities. Some people will choose to study this major and then work in a big company to strive for a bright future.

 There are also some people who have been exposed to self-employment since entering school, and the school also strongly supports this aspect.

 They all held notebooks or computers in their hands.

 A serious and serious atmosphere.

 From noon to afternoon, their conversation lasted for a long time.

Finally, the entrepreneurship teacher with neatly parted hair turned off the computer and stood up, saying, "Okay, that's the end of the day. Let's disperse."

Leave the office one after another.

 Ye Xichen’s team has 5 men and 2 women.

Someone suggested, "It's a rare weekend, let's go out for dinner?"

  Thanks to "Xi Yue, Xia Tian, ​​Tian Qi" for the reward~

Is there any contrast to be cute?

Brother Chen is so good, how can he have no suitors? Right?



 (End of this chapter)

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