My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 230: her dual personality

Chapter 230 Her dual personality

 "Are you okay?" Su Yichen grabbed Ye Weiwei's hand, with unconcealed concern in his tone.

Gu Yiyi looked at this scene and felt angry in her heart.

 “I’m fine.”

Ye Weiwei shook his head and broke free from Su Yichen's hand without leaving a trace.

 She wanted to ruin Gu Yiyi's image, but she didn't think about asking any boy to care about her...

Su Yichen turned his head, his sharp gaze fell on Gu Yiyi, and warned sternly, "Gu Yiyi, no one cares about you usually pretending to be pretentious, but don't forget that you caused Qiao Ling to be like this! Next time, you will be guilty. Be exposed!"

Gu Yiyi’s face turned pale in an instant!

Su Yichen and Lu Baiyang were the ones who witnessed her throwing the earrings into the pool.

Gu Yiyi had no way to defend herself, so she left the two of them and ran back to the classroom.

Ye Weiwei also walked slowly while holding on to the wall.

Although the wound on the foot has become scarred, when the pain-sensing nerves are sensitive, you will unconsciously walk with your foot at the slightest pain.

Su Yichen thought she had been injured by Gu Yiyi's push, and wanted to help her, but unexpectedly, Ye Ziwei reacted quickly and avoided it.

"Thank you, but this is a matter between me and Gu Yiyi. I will handle it myself."

The hand raised in the air was awkwardly retracted, and Su Yichen suddenly mentioned, "I have already read the book you gave me last time."

Ye Weiwei lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, remembering that he gave Su Yichen a book last time in order to thank him.

 What book is it from? I heard that Su Yichen was very good at mathematics, so she gave him a book of Mathematical Olympiad questions?

“This way, I didn’t send the wrong thank you gift, and I feel at ease.”

 From beginning to end, Ye Weiwei acted very distant.



Gu Chengxi was sitting lazily on the gray-black sofa in Nordic style.

 In front of you is a video projection.

"The ins and outs of the matter have been found out. Gu Yiyi stole your little girl's earrings out of jealousy and threw them into the pool. The girl desperately found them back. Tsk, your courage is commendable." Gu Chengxi faded away. The cold noodles seemed like a joke.

This time, Ye Xichen had a cold face, his face was gloomy and stern, "Don't talk nonsense, I want to listen to the key points."

Gu Chengxi raised his hand and made an "OK" gesture.

Dr. Huo's expression was solemn, "We are also paying close attention to recent events. Gu Yiyi originally had a good image in the eyes of her classmates. Ever since Miss Qiao fell into the water, Gu Yiyi has encountered obstacles in school. No matter what she wants to do, Miss Qiao will do it." Mix it in, and..."

 Moreover, Ye was the only one who could kill Gu Yiyi instantly.

Based on these things, they have been able to determine that the only hidden side of Ye is actually something she can control.

Moreover, the things that irritated her were all related to Ye Xichen!

Gu Yiyi was the first to find trouble. Even if Gu Yiyi ruined the video she had worked so hard to edit, she would not care.

 But this time, not only did she suppress Gu Yiyi everywhere, she also had no plans to stop until now.

No one knows to what extent Ye Weiwei will take revenge on Gu Yiyi.

 But actually Ye Xichen doesn’t care about these things. The only thing he cares about is...

 “Are her various behaviors harmful to her?”

“Everyone has a sense of self-protection. Miss Qiao’s dual personality is different from being good at pretending. If her emotions are alternately suppressed for a long time, it will be extremely harmful to her body and mind.”

 People who are good at pretending are like so-called performers and can act.

But the only duality of Ye is hidden in her body, and every time her emotions are intensified, it makes her nervous and nervous.

I think it is easy for such people to have personality differentiation and become so-called...


 (End of this chapter)

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