My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 221: She cares about Ye Xichen very much

Chapter 221 She cares about Ye Xichen very much

"Go and get it back yourself if you can!" Gu Yiyi was so angry that she threw the earrings into the pool!


Hearing only the sound of falling into the water, Ye Weiwei jumped into the pool without hesitation.

 "Gu Yiyi!" Ye Weiwei shouted her name fiercely.

 “Pah—” He patted the water with his arms and started looking for earrings.

 The pool is very shallow and can only be submerged up to the waist.

 The scene of Ye Weiwei searching for earrings in the pool shocked Lu Baiyang and Su Yichen who were present.

Lu Baiyang, who was holding the ball, was at a loss, "No, what's going on? Gu Yiyi, did you throw something belonging to Squad Leader Qiao?"

Lu Baiyang looked left and right, and Su Yichen next to him suddenly jumped into the pool.

Su Yichen grabbed Ye Weiwei's arm, "This water is not clean. Do you want a bacterial infection?"

Ye Weiwei struggled hard and didn't listen to the advice at all.

 “Let me go, I’m looking for my earrings!”

Su Yichen was annoyed by her stubbornness, "It's just an earring. If you lose it, you can buy it again. You can't find it in the pool!"

 “You don’t understand at all!”

 They don’t understand at all!

  I don’t understand how much she values ​​earrings!

That was the first earring Ye Xichen gave her, how could she just throw it away!

 What Ye Xichen gave her was everything she valued!

Su Yichen forcibly lifted Ye Wei up and asked Lu Baiyang to pull him up, "Lu Baiyang, help."

 “Oh oh.” Lu Baiyang threw the basketball in his hand and went to grab him.

Ke Ye only lost his weak look and broke free from the hands of the two boys as if he had become a different person.

“Whoever dares to stop me is going against me, Qiao Li!”

She put down her harsh words and continued to search in the water.

She took off her shoes and stepped on the slightly sandy bottom of the water, trying to feel the presence of the earrings.

 Something was thrown into the water and her toes were scratched.

Ye Weiwei didn't dare to look, but she thought maybe there was blood.

Su Yichen saw Ye Weiwei's sudden and ugly expression, and knew that he couldn't persuade her, so he started to help her search together.

Seeing the crazy looks of the two of them, Gu Yiyi, the instigator, started to panic.

 She wanted to escape, but was caught by Lu Baiyang.

Lu Baiyang threatened her, "Gu Yiyi, don't leave. This matter has not been resolved. If you leave, you will be dead."

Gu Yiyi swallowed deeply.

 She told herself that she could not leave. If she left now, she would not even have a chance to plead for mercy.


Hongtian paid off, and when Ye Weiwei's sole was pricked for the second time, she finally found the earring.

She twisted the small earrings with her fingers, and a beautiful and pure smile suddenly appeared on her face, "Hehehe."

 Even if you are soaked all over, even if you are injured and bleeding, as long as you can find the earrings...

 As long as she can get back what her brother gave her, nothing matters!

Looking at Ye Weiyi standing in the water in a daze, Su Yichen lifted her up and said, "If you find it, get up quickly!"

Lu Baiyang held hands on the shore and pulled the two of them ashore.

Ye Weiwei turned to Su Yichen and said, "Thank you."

Gu Yiyi ran over and apologized, "Qiao Li, I didn't mean it."

Su Yichen looked at Ye Weiyi who was soaked all over, and separated the two of them rationally, "Don't argue for now, go back and change clothes."

Ye Weiyi stepped forward and stretched out his hand to Gu Yiyi, "Give me the box."

"Here you go, give it back to you." This time Gu Yiyi did not dare to hesitate at all before handing over the earring box.

Ye Weiwei carefully put the earrings in and thanked Su Yichen and Lu Baiyang again.

Just when Ye Youwei was putting on his shoes, Lu Baiyang was suddenly startled, "Squad leader, your feet are bleeding!"

Su Yichen turned around and picked him up without any explanation.

About the second question: Name any three characters’ actions or language that often appear in the text, excluding the characters’ names.

By the way, there is no doubt about Xiao Lingdang’s love for Brother Chen. I am so touched that I want to fall in love. Brother Chen knows that he should not be heartbroken to death.



 (End of this chapter)

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