My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 205: Otherwise, my hand will be broken

Chapter 205: I’ll break my hand

Someone fainted during military training and the crowd exploded.

 “Quickly, quickly, send me to the infirmary.”

  It is a hot day for military training, and I occasionally faint from heatstroke.

Just when a boy took the initiative to help him, the girl who had not fainted completely expressed her resistance, "No, I don't want a boy."

Ye Weiwei, who originally had no intention of joining in the fun, tilted his head and looked over when he heard this.

When the teacher and classmates told the girl to stop being willful, Ye Weiwei took the initiative to squeeze into the crowd and help the girl up, "I'll do it."

"I am coming too."

 In the end, Ye Weiwei and another classmate named Shen Nianan took the fainted girl to the infirmary.

  Ye Weiwei and Shen Nianan were not familiar with each other, but they were actually roommates in the same dormitory.

 Shen Nian'an is usually the same as when she was skipping a grade, holding a book and reading all the time. I didn't know that she was also so willing to help others.

 Ye Weiwei glanced at Shen Nian'an twice before she noticed.

Shen Nian'an took out a palm-sized notebook in front of her and explained calmly: "I just want to read for a while."

  “…” Does this explain to her the reason for “doing good things”?

Ye Weiyi had no intention of getting involved, but when she heard that the female classmate was accused of being "willful and unsociable" after she refused to be touched by a boy, she couldn't help but stand up.

It’s not that she is so great, it just reminds me of being alienated and misunderstood in the "Xingyao" Academy because she refused to be touched by others.

  Doctors needed names when recording cases. They dug out their student ID cards from the girls’ camouflage uniforms and learned that the female classmate who fainted was called Yu Anran.

 After seeing it, the doctor only said that Yu Anran fainted due to heatstroke and needed more rest.

Shen Nian'an is really a nerd. He has been listening to nothing outside the window since he came in, and he only concentrates on reading books by sages.

Ye Ziwei takes on the task of taking care of her classmates.

 After that, several boys walked in from the infirmary.

 “Hurry and show our brother Bei the injury!”

"Okay, okay, I'll just cut off my hand, why are you so anxious?"

Those boys are not wearing camouflage uniforms, they should be senior classmates.

The young female doctor in the infirmary was right next to Ye Yiyi, looking at it and shaking her head, "It's those little gangsters again, they make a lot of noise every time they come."

Ye Weiwei asked curiously: "Young gangster? Aren't you classmates in our school?"

The female doctor explained: "Of course they are from our school, but those few are very messy and often fight with people outside the school. They come here every two days. The boy in the black T-shirt is their so-called boss. He must have just returned from the fight. ”

I heard the doctor calling "Bei Ye" to sit down.

Ye Weiwei looked up and happened to catch the eye of Kitano, a boy in black clothes.

Yeye only saw the blood on his arm, but Beiye raised his hand with a ruffian smile on his face.

Ye Weiwei quickly turned around and saw Yu Anran sleeping peacefully, and felt much better.


Those boys have been making noises since they came in, and the students who are seeing patients in the infirmary have been disturbed.

 “Give our brother Bei a good life! Use the best medicine!”

Ye Weiwei glanced at Shen Nian'an and found that she was immersed in a sea of ​​books.

Just when Ye Weiwei had a huge headache and wanted to run away, her classmate suddenly appeared and waved to her, "Classmate Qiao Li, we are looking for you."

 “Who is looking for me?” Because it is inconvenient to carry a mobile phone during military training, there is no way to contact me via mobile phone.

“The teacher said it was your brother who called and he is waiting for you outside the school gate.”

 Ye Weiwei stood up suddenly, told Shen Nian'an to look after Yu Anran, and ran out quickly.

 (End of this chapter)

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