My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 176: Part-time foster daughter...

Chapter 176 Part-time raising a daughter...

An Ruan would not admit that he was startled by Ye Weiwei's sudden change of tone.

She still acted like a winner and sneered, "Do you think I'm afraid of you? That means you're stupid and tell me everything. Part-time job, raising a daughter... ugh, do you think these are honorable?"

"If it were me, I wouldn't say these things even if I kept them in my stomach. It would be so embarrassing."

 An Ruan is actually a very face-saving person.

At that time, she was very proud and looked down upon when she heard Ye Weiwei's serious and frank manner.

 She thought at that time: This person is really stupid for saying such an embarrassing thing.

 An Ruan had no scruples in talking about those false friendships.

 The only thing Ye said that he wasn't heartbroken was to lie.

She lowered her head and looked at the gift bag that fell on the ground. She seemed unwilling to ask for confirmation again and asked: "Is that just that? You have never regarded me as a friend? Have you?"

"Of course!" An Ruan acknowledged it resolutely, and told her: "Maybe I wanted to make friends with you when you first appeared, but you should never see me trapped in the toilet by Ye Qingqing!"

  When Su Yichen was mentioned, Ye Weiwei's eyes moved slightly, as if he was remembering who he was before.

Ye Weiwei asked: "Then after you sent the video, why did you have to clarify it for me and Su Yichen?"

"Well, I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. First, the video is just to make you leave a bad impression in front of everyone, the photo is the key point; second, Su Yichen is quite popular, but he is in school He only has a good relationship with me, a girl, so I can’t drag him into trouble.”

 “Do you regard Su Yichen as a means of showing off?”

 “Isn’t this enough?”

Ye Qingqing likes to be with outstanding people, and Su Yichen is only familiar with her, a girl. This special point gives her a sense of superiority.

It's a pity that Su Yichen's family background is average, otherwise she could take advantage of the friendship between the two since they were young...

 In short, An Ruan just wants to get the envious gaze of others.

An Ruan glanced around and said to himself in a voice that only two people could hear: "Before, I was friendly with you because I wanted to get to know your brother. What do you think is so great about you that I should please me?"

 Ye Youwei took a deep breath and said softly: "I saw the wrong person."

"You deserve it! Who made you so stupid? Others took the bait when you were a little nicer to you." An Ruan stepped on her feet without mercy.

Ye Weiwei bent down to pick up the gift box bag on the ground, slowly opened it, and sure enough, he saw that the figure inside was broken into several halves.

Is she stupid?

 Perhaps yes.

If she was smart enough, she would not be greedy for that bit of warmth, thinking she could make true friends, but in the end she got herself covered in bruises, and finally realized that the so-called friends were all fake.

After reading the gifts, Ye Weiwei closed the bag again, stood up with it in his hand, and said to An Ruan: "In this case, I don't want to argue with you about these useless topics anymore. For the sake of our acquaintance, For your sake, I’ll give you a chance to go to the teacher and admit your mistake.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, who needs you to give me a chance? Don’t you understand yet? I’m going to push you into the water. Do you think I’m playing house with your kid?”

Yeye Yiyi casually threw the gift he had wrapped himself into the trash can next to him.

 Raised his head, his dark eyes stared at An Ruan with unknown meaning, his lips opened and closed slightly, "An Ruan, you are finished."

An Ruan, you are finished!

The An Ruan incident is over, and the junior high school part is about to end.

Could you please suggest how Xiao Lingdang can deal with An Ruan most easily?



 (End of this chapter)

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