My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1733: I'd rather never meet you!

Chapter 1733 I would rather never meet you!

"don't want!"

Nangong Yu woke up from a nightmare. Everything that had happened between her and Huo Yanxi in the past six months flashed through her mind. She hugged her knees and cried muffledly.

 Why did her life become like this?

She really hates herself now.

 The tears couldn't stop falling. In this night, she indulged herself in crying loudly.


The door was suddenly pushed open, and Huo Yanxi rushed in anxiously.

 He turned on the light and the room instantly became bright.

 “You, what’s wrong with you?”

He just heard noises from Nangong Yu's room outside, so he barged in regardless...

 It turned out that she was crying.

Nangong Yu slowly raised her hand. The bright light stung her eyes, so she raised her hand to cover it and buried her head in her arms.

 “Xiao Yu’er…” Huo Yanxi touched her arm.

Nangong Yu waved his hand away as if he was frightened, crying loudly: "Go away!"

 “Nangong Yu!”

 “Woo woo woo…”

His anger surged up and was instantly suppressed by the woman's soft cries.

 “Stop crying.”

"all because of you!"

"Growing up, I have been the best child in the eyes of others. I have a solid family background, loving parents, a warm family, and sincere friends. I have a clear conscience towards everyone and treat each other gently. I will never do it because of the same thing. Worried about things for too long.”

She grew up smoothly and was neither arrogant nor arrogant. She was gentle to everyone and everyone praised her for her kindness.

 But why did everything change drastically after meeting Huo Yanxi!

“But after meeting you, everything changed!”

 So, how could she not feel resentful in her heart?

She is known to have a good temper, but she is not a saint. She also wants to meet someone who treats her sincerely, but how did she get to this point?

Huo Yanxi was shocked when he heard these words from her for the first time.

It turns out that she also has so much anger accumulated in her heart.

There are some questions that he dare not ask but want to know, "Nangong Yu, do you regret it? Regret...knowing me?"

"Heh...heh..." She sobbed and let out two sneers. She raised her head and stared at Huo Yanxi's backlit face. Her misty eyes were just cold, "Huo Yanxi, I would rather never meet you!" "

 It is most difficult to control people’s emotions in the dead of night.

 Huo Yanxi thought that this was probably the most sincere sentence Nangong Yu had said since the two of them had known each other.

 It turned out to be so…

 He has always played in the world, why is his heart hurting so much now.

 He held Nangong Yu's cheek, ignoring the tears on her face, and covered her soft lips.

 With such a close distance, there is no ambiguity between them.


 He seems to have really done something wrong...


 From that day on, Huo Yanxi disappeared.

Nangong Yu never had nightmares again, as if Huo Yanxi's disappearance took away the shadow in her heart.

But she was still unhappy, as if something was missing in her heart...

“Sister Yu, let’s go out to a party tonight.”

"I have something going on recently, let's make an appointment next time." She was not in a good mood recently and was afraid that her going would affect other people.

Bei Jiyue heard a deep sigh from the phone, "Ah? But brother Han Qi finally came back to play with us. Is there anything urgent about sister Yu? Can you postpone it for a while?"

"Oh well."

 After all, it was rare to see Han Qi. If she didn't go, it would be difficult to get together.

 (End of this chapter)

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