My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1730: He hid the red book

 Chapter 1730 He hid the red book

 After completing all the procedures in the Civil Affairs Bureau, Nangong Yu held the red book and still felt a little unreal.

She opened it and took a look. Before she could take a closer look, the marriage certificate in her hand was suddenly snatched away by Huo Yansi.

"what are you doing?"

 “Leave this thing to me for safekeeping from now on.”

“What is your share is in your hand, why are you robbing me?”

 “What if you get out of your mind and destroy it?”

Nangong Yu frowned slightly, "I wouldn't do anything so rude."


Huo Yanxi didn’t answer her words, but he really didn’t return the marriage certificate to her.

Seeing how determined he was, Nangong Yu finally discussed taking a photo with him and handed him two red books together.

 It’s unbelievable that she really married Huo Yanxi.

At noon that day, Nangong Yu posted the marriage certificate.

Immediately afterwards, the headlines of the city's entertainment news were about the marriage between Nangong Yu, the sole heir of the Nangong family, and Huo Yanxi, the grandson of the Huo family.

 Everyone is speculating about the business marriage between the two, and all kinds of rumors are flying everywhere.

However, the heroine Nangong Yu on the headlines is sitting in a high-end restaurant entertaining two good sisters.

“Sister Yu, you are really a blockbuster even if you don’t even make a sound!”

Bei Jiyue exclaimed when she saw the photo of the marriage certificate.

 At first I was happy for her, but then I thought of a question: "Why have I never heard you say that you have someone you like?"


 Because all this happened in a hurry, she was not given a chance to choose.

Bei Jiyue maintains the innocence that is rare in society, probably because Ye Qingfeng has guarded her so carefully since she was a child.

Nangong Yu really envied this little girl, "Xiao Yue'er, not everyone is as lucky as you to meet people like Brother Qingfeng since birth."

“There are relatively few childhood sweethearts, but I haven’t heard any news about Huo Yanxi before.”

 “Didn’t you read what was said on the Internet, business marriage?”

 “What!” Bei Jiyue exploded when she heard those words!

"Is it too late to regret the marriage now..."

Nangong Yu asked back: "What do you think?"

 "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwww!" Bei Jiyue punched the table in anger.

Mo Xiangnuan, who has always been silent and rarely talks, also appeared gloomy.

 She didn’t hold a wedding, and she didn’t tell mom and dad in advance.

Of course, Nangong Luo and Gong Qianyu couldn't agree to her hasty marriage, so she decided to kill her first and then marry her.

She changed from Miss Nangong to Mrs. Huo. The news spread quickly, and she soon received a bombardment of calls from her parents and even other relatives.

 She patiently explained to everyone that Nangong Luo and Gong Qianli were the most difficult to deal with.

They flew back immediately and asked her why. She replied: "Compared to exciting love, Yu'er thinks it's good to treat each other as guests. As you know, I have always liked a stable life."

“I will not be wronged because of my status in marrying Huo Yanxi, and Huo Yanxi and I can work together to bring the family business to a higher level. This is all very good, and it is what I want most.”

No matter how Nangong Luo and Gong Qianli asked, she would use different words to express that the current situation was her best choice.

Although Nangong Yu is the most obedient in the eyes of adults, he is also the most difficult to convince.

 The things she decides must have been thought through clearly.

Furthermore, even if they are unhappy, the marriage certificate has been obtained and the news has made headlines. They can’t let their daughter get divorced now, right?

There is no other way except to call out the son-in-law and beat him up.

 (End of this chapter)

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