My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1725: let's break up

Chapter 1725 Let’s break up

Zhong Siyu went downstairs and saw no one in particular. She ran to the front desk with an idea and asked, "Have you seen Miss Nangong from Nangong Group here just now?"


Nangong Yu has been here many times, and the front desk has known her for a long time. There is no need to make an appointment in advance, so she was let in directly.

 Zhong Siyu was suddenly excited when he got the answer.

If Nangong Yu was outside the office door just now, wouldn't he have heard her conversation with Huo Yanxi?

She has known Huo Yanxi since she was a child, and she knows very well that the man has a venomous mouth and is even more rude when he is angry.

Nangong Yu hid just now, which shows that he was worried about it.

Those words just now were all directed at her, and she was very angry. But if Nangong Yu heard it, he would be even more angry, right?

"Ha ha."

Thinking of this, Zhong Siyu actually laughed out loud.

Zhong Siyu felt much better when she left the company.

 And Nangong Yu is not so good.

 She didn't leave, she just sat at the stairs. No one would notice her.

She has been very busy recently. The night when Bei Jiyue stayed at home, she went back very late and did not notice Bei Jiyue's mood. It was not until the next morning that she discovered that Bei Jiyue was ill and had a severe fever. .

 She rushed to the hospital and contacted Ye Qingfeng to come to the hospital to visit.

In order to bring the two people together, she suggested that Ye Qingfeng take Bei Jiyue home and take care of her for two days.

Ye Qingfeng has always loved Bei Jiyue, so he naturally agreed without hesitation.

In this way, she went to Ye Qingfeng's house to see Bei Jiyue once after get off work, and found that the girl seemed very happy living at Ye Qingfeng's house, probably because she could be closer to him.

Nangong Yu felt both distressed and envious of her.

I feel sorry for her that she has been secretly in love with a man for so many years, but she still doesn't dare to confess it; and I also envy her that she can be so sincerely devoted to a man for so many years, and it happens that that man is very good to her.

 So she thought of Huo Yanxi.

The recent rejection of Huo Yanxi's invitation is not because she is avoiding it, but because she is really busy with work. She can only visit Xiao Yue'er once. After all, the girl is sick.

 After the matter at hand was settled, she came to Huo Yansi and wanted to give him a surprise.

 Unexpectedly...I really didn't expect that Huo Yanxi would give her a surprise.

Huo Yanxi is so ruthless towards Zhong Siyu, a person he has known for many years.

She was not a Mary Sue who used benevolence and morality to restrain Huo Yenxi, but she felt that a person like Huo Yenxi could be ruthless to anyone, let alone someone she had only known for half a year.

She suddenly remembered that Huo Yanxi had been interested in her before, but he had never said that he would marry her, or even explicitly stated that he wanted her to be his girlfriend.

It wasn't until Mr. Huo came to her and hoped that she could become the grandson-in-law of the Huo family that Huo Yanxi changed.

Everything went according to Huo Yanxi's words. Mr. Huo asked him to marry, so he would marry.

It doesn't matter whether you really like her or not. Marriage is the most common thing in the circle of people like them, isn't it?

She raised the corners of her lips slightly, and that smile was really a bit...cold.

 As expected, it is quite difficult to find people who cherish each other.

Like Ye Qingfeng’s parents, her parents, and Bei Jiyue’s parents all met in a simple and beautiful age, and their relationship went through many tests of time before it finally came to a sweet end.

 And she actually expected to find someone she sympathized with in just a few months?

What a fool.

Nangong Yu picked up the phone, edited a message and sent it: Let’s break up.

 (End of this chapter)

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