My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1717: Mr. Huo and Xiao Yuer are in the kitchen

Chapter 1717 Mr. Huo and Xiao Yuer are in the kitchen

“He installed a locator on me. Wherever I go, he will send someone to drive me out.”

Nangong Yu really didn’t expect that Huo Yanxi would be forced into such misery by Grandpa Huo.

 Most likely biological.

“Now that you know there’s a locator, just throw it away.”

 “Grandpa will scold me for being unfilial.”

“Then if you come to my place, Grandpa Huo will know about it.”

  “Yeah, only here he won’t kick me out.”

“…” Nangong Yu felt as if he was being relied on by a certain grandfather and grandson.

The two of them talked for a long time on their mobile phones, but they were actually separated by a door.

Of course, Nangong Yu didn't open the door for him easily. He even hung up the phone after persuading him to leave.

Huo Yanxi did not call her again.

According to her understanding of Huo Yanxi, if Huo Yanxi came for real, he would be entangled constantly, but since he didn't now, he might just tease her and leave after a few words.

Nangong Yu thought so.

 After she dried her hair and everything was done, she went to take a look at the camera at the door when she was getting ready to go to bed...

 I didn’t expect Huo Yanxi to be still there.

The man was sitting on the ground outside the door, leaning against the wall, and seemed to be asleep.

With a sudden thought, she unlocked the door.

 “Huo Yanxi?”

 She shouted softly, but no one responded.

Nangong Yu took two steps forward, squatted in front of Huo Yanxi, and pushed him gently, "Huo Yanxi, are you asleep?"

Huo Yanxi suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were clear, and he definitely didn't look like he had just been awakened.

 “You lied to me?”

 “No, it’s just that I don’t have the strength.”

"how come…"

“I worked overtime in the afternoon and got kicked out before I even had a meal.”

 It is really heartbreaking to think that a majestic and domineering president has been reduced to this stage.

Nangong Yu sighed softly and finally relaxed, "Come with me."

This is the first time Huo Yanxi has entered an apartment that belongs entirely to women.

The layout here is all in a simple style, with beige walls, which matches Nangong Yu's gentle personality very well.

 The things placed in the apartment are neat and tidy, not obsessive-compulsive, but clean and tidy. It can be seen that the owner's quality of life is extremely high.

 “Do you eat noodles?”

 “Are you down there?”



 Cooking rice is too troublesome, here is the simplest and fastest way.

Nangong Yu walked into the kitchen and operated it skillfully.

Huo Yanxi followed and looked at her silently.

Thinking of this woman cooking for herself, Huo Yensi became extremely peaceful in her heart.

 It doesn’t mean the tranquility without any emotional fluctuations, but the tranquility in which he truly feels a happy life for the first time.

This feeling is so good.

“Can you eat tomatoes and eggs?”


 “Okay, wait a moment.”

Nangong Yu took out tomatoes and eggs from the refrigerator, broke the eggs into a bowl and stirred them.

Nangong Yu suddenly looked back at Huo Yanxi, smiled slightly, and directed him to do things: "Wash the tomatoes for me."

This is the first time Huo Yanxi has stepped into the kitchen and participated in cooking.

 He knows how to wash things and turn on the tap to rinse.

Nangong Yu added: "Both the cutting board and kitchen knife need to be washed, and then the tomatoes should be sliced."

Huo Yanxi wanted to refuse, but when she heard her speak, she couldn't say the word to refuse.

So there is a scene of Huo Yanxi, who is so majestic outside, being hard to reach by two tomatoes!

He was holding a knife and cutting tomatoes, but his hands were shaking and he couldn't cut them well.

“Hahaha, Huo Yanxi, you don’t know how to chop vegetables!”

 (End of this chapter)

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