My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1692: Beating your wife feels good for a while

Chapter 1692: Beating your wife feels good for a while

 Sometimes things are just such a coincidence, and Huo Yanxi naturally left.

 But if he had waited for another minute or two, he might have been able to see Bei Jiyue and Mo Xiangnuan, who had arrived late.

 Unfortunately, when seeing is not necessarily believing, some people are still annoyed by it.

 Huo Yanxi's mood has been gloomy for a whole week. The employees of Huo's Enterprise feel that there are dark clouds hanging over their heads this week, which can be described as miserable.

He An is the worst one.

He is always prepared to endure the boss's temper. If it weren't for the high salary and the friendship he had known his boss for many years, he would have changed jobs long ago.

“Boss, please take a look at this design drawing. It was sent from Nangong Group.”

Huo Yanxi glanced at it and asked, "Redo it."

He An always knew that Huo Yanxi was unreasonable, but he didn't expect that he would become so unreasonable because of Nangong Yu!

 But he was just a small assistant and could only reply to Nangong Yu according to the boss's words.

Nangong Yu was not upset and asked someone to modify the design again.

 But when the revised manuscript was sent over, Huo Yensi still refused to approve it.

This was repeated three or four times. Nangong Yu was not angry, but the designer below had to find an explanation.

 She personally called Huo Yanxi's office and was transferred from He An to Huo Yanxi's internal line.

She asked Huo Yanxi why he refused to approve it, and Huo Yanxi finally stated his real purpose, "If you have any questions, come and talk to me in person."

 “Huo Yanxi, don’t bully others too much.”

 “I don’t have it, it’s just a matter of your design draft.”

  As for what the problem was, he refused to specify.

 It was clear that he deliberately asked Nangong Yu to find him in person!

I have to say that Huo Yanxi’s calculation was very accurate, and Nangong Yu came after all.

She came to Huo Yanxi's office without hindrance. Based on her past experience, she deliberately knocked on the door several times, but this time she did not hear a response from the person inside.

Nangong Yu asked and found out that Huo Yanxi had just taken He An out.

Nangong Yu frowned slightly. She had clearly made an "appointment" with Huo Yanxi yesterday to meet and talk, but now that he was doing this, he must be deliberately making things difficult!

 She is indeed patient, but that doesn’t mean she is willing to be teased by Huo Yenxi for no reason all the time!

This time she directly dialed the private number Huo Yanxi left for her.

This number was left to her by Huo Yenxi a long time ago, but she had never dialed it. The first time she used it was in front of Huo Yenxi's own office, which was ridiculous to think about.

 When I answered the phone, what came from the other end was not the usual "hello", but an extremely definite, "Nangong Yu."

Nangong Yu also didn’t expect that Huo Yanxi was so sure it was her. After all, she had never left a private number for Huo Yanxi.

Without thinking about it, Nangong Yu got straight to the point and mentioned the design drawings.

Huo Yanxi held the phone and listened quietly.

He An on the side finally understood that everything happened because of Nangong Yu. It turned out that Nangong Yu's influence on the boss was so profound!

Just a personal phone call calmed his general anger.

As for that personal phone number, no more than three people in the world know about Huo Yanxi’s personal phone number. Even he only got it three years after working for Huo Yanxi.

This Nangong Yu, whom I have known for less than three months, actually has...

He An couldn't hear what Nangong Yu said on the other end of the phone. He could only hear his boss urging him to change the white gauze wrapped around his hand with his eyes while talking on the phone.

  【The author has something to say】

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone~!



 (End of this chapter)

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