My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1687: casual kiss

 Chapter 1687 Accidental Kiss

"so troublesome!"

Although Huo Yanxi was disgusted with her words, she still did as she said.

While he was drinking tea, he could feel that Nangong Yu's eyes were always on him.

Such a gentle look...

He took a sip, and Nangong Yu asked with a smile, "Does it taste good?"

Huo Yanxi suddenly drank all the tea in one gulp.

Huo Yanxi was not annoyed after being pushed away. Instead, he smiled brightly and said, "Whether the tea tastes good or not, you will know if you try it yourself."

 He pulled the man down and crossed him with his mouth.

 The unfamiliar touch made her freeze for a moment.

I don’t know how long it took before I reacted and pushed the person away.

Huo Yanxi’s plan succeeded and he smiled happily.

Nangong Yu’s ears were red. He stood up and ran out of the room without saying a word. He was accidentally knocked when he opened it.

 Apparently he is not calm anymore.

Nangong Yu, this woman, is indeed different from ordinary people.

In the past, there were all kinds of women who tried to seduce him, and everyone played tricks on him. But this woman, who was forcibly kissed without scolding or coercing, actually ran away on her own?

really interesting.

 He liked it even more.

The phone flashed for a long time, and Huo Yanxi finally got through and said: "He An, come back."

He An, who has been feeding mosquitoes outside for a long time...Boss, you finally have a conscience!

He An did not attract mosquitoes and came back safely.

“Boss, Miss Siyu just contacted me.”


“Miss Siyu asked you when you plan to go back.”

"When do I, Huo Yanxi, need to report her whereabouts?"

He An and even his boss' temperament, but after all, the relationship between the two is not normal, he still has to explain, "Miss Siyu didn't mean this."

Huo Yanxi interrupted politely, "Okay, since there's nothing important, there's no need to talk about it."

He An asked again: "Then, what is the boss going to do for the old man's birthday party in two months?"

Huo Yanxi waved his hand, "Let's talk about it then."

 The only thing that interests him now is the woman next door.


Bei Jiyue, who was retouching pictures, saw Nangong Yu rush into the room, but there was nothing in his hand.

“Sister Yu, have you finished your walk? Didn’t you want to buy something? Did you forget it?”

“Then I thought I didn’t need it, so I didn’t buy it.” Nangong Yu gave a perfunctory reason, then turned and entered the bathroom.

 After closing the door, she turned on the faucet as high as possible and splashed cold water directly on her face.

 She needs to cool down her ears now, they are so red!

 Thinking of the scene just now, she felt very confused and couldn't calm down at all.

That big **** Huo Yanxi actually kissed her while she wasn't paying attention!

That was her first kiss!


 And he actually ran away directly, which was so embarrassing. Huo Yansi must be very proud now.

It has only been three days since she arrived, and things have already developed beyond her control, which she did not expect.

Nangong Yu doesn’t want to stay here and plans to change to a hotel.

 According to the guide before traveling, Nangong Yu changed the time, "Xiao Yue'er, let's change the hotel tomorrow."

Bei Jiyue didn't stop editing the pictures in her hands, so she asked casually, "What's wrong?"

Nangong Yu explained: "We are going to other places anyway. I don't want to stay here to play tomorrow. Let's just change to another collecting spot."

"Yes, I can do it." Bei Jiyue said a few words on her face: I am easy to talk to.

So the next day, Nangong Yu urged Bei Jiyue to get up early, and left with the gifts he had packed last night!

 (End of this chapter)

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