My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1651: i'm waiting for a girl

 Chapter 1651 I’m waiting for a girl

In the video, a reporter interviewed Ye Qingfeng, "Mr. Ye, everyone is very concerned about your love issues. I wonder if you are willing to reveal something about it?"

 This question comes up in basically every interview, but Ye Qingfeng will tactfully avoid it.

 The reporter conducted interviews as usual, but this time Ye Qingfeng did not follow the routine.

He stood in front of everyone, spoke into the microphone, and spoke very seriously.

 He said: "I'm waiting for a girl."

Ye Qingfeng’s answer was just one sentence, but it was enough to set off a climax!

 The editor on the Internet specially used an eye-catching title. Ye Qingfeng’s words really showed that he already has someone he likes.

 But who does he like?

Nobody knows.

However, when Bei Jiyue saw this, she almost couldn't hold her phone steady.

 Ye Qingfeng never answered questions about love affairs in the past, but now that Zhu Yue is back, he has spoken.

It turns out that being alone for so many years is not because I haven’t met someone I like, but because I met someone too early when I was young and can no longer fall in love with someone else.

 He is indeed as dedicated as his father.

Then what has she been obsessed with for so many years? Anyway, it can't compare to that woman.

 She dumped all the cooked dishes into the trash can, put them away, and took them out to throw away.

 She left a note in the living room: Brother Qingfeng, I’m going home first.

Then she remembered that she had used "temporarily staying at Nangong Yu's house" as an excuse to stay outside for the past few days. She called Nangong Yu and was hung up. She thought it was not convenient for her to answer the phone at the moment, so she sent her a text message: Sister Yu, I'm home.

 After a while, Nangong Yu’s phone call came back.

“Yue’er, why do you want to go home suddenly?”

"Sister Yu, I have no chance. He finally waited until the girl he liked came home."


Bei Jiyue did not show any sadness or depression after returning home.

 She took a nice hot bath, put on a beautiful short skirt in the wardrobe, put on delicate makeup, and curled her hair into big waves.

When Kitano saw her, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

 When he recovered, his first words were: "What are you wearing? Change it for me quickly."

Bei Jiyue smiled and was not afraid of him.

 “Daddy, isn’t your daughter pretty?”

 “Good-looking…” Good-looking means really good-looking.

Beiye has never seen his daughter so stunning, but how can these white and tender arms and these straight and slender legs be shown to others casually?

Bei Jiyue waved her hand and asked: "Since it looks good, why should I change it?"

Beiye frowned, "You don't want to go out wearing this, do you?"

 “Yeah, my friend asked me to go out to play. I’ll be back later.”

Kitano Tetsu's face was livid, "I won't allow it! Unless you change your clothes."

Bei Jiyue chuckled and said, "Daddy, your daughter is so beautiful. How will others know that you have given birth to such a beautiful daughter without dressing up?"

Despite Bei Ye’s objection, Bei Jiyue waved goodbye to him.

 She sent Kitano her address and approximate time to return home.

 Her roommate asked her to sing in karaoke, but she initially refused. Later, Weibo revealed Ye Qingfeng’s relationship, and her roommate called again to invite her, and she immediately accepted.

 I don’t know what I want to do, so maybe I can use this to relax.

“Jiyue, I thought you really weren’t coming.”

 The roommate saw her and greeted her warmly.

 She saw that in addition to three roommates, there were four boys.

 “Introduce me, this is my boyfriend.”

  【The author has something to say】

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This time it will be updated to the end. If there are no accidents, it will be 6K per day.



 (End of this chapter)

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