My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1645: Zhu Yue and Ye Qingfeng are together

Chapter 1645 Zhu Yue and Ye Qingfeng are together

Zhu Yue’s eyes stayed on Ye Qingfeng many times.

 Over the years, both of them have changed a lot.

 The once sunny and handsome boy has become mature and restrained, and the once lively and youthful girl has become a **** and charming woman.

  Ye Qingfeng and Zhu Yue shook hands.

Bei Jiyue's eyes stared unblinking at the movement of the two hands coming together, and her heart suddenly hurt as if hundreds of needles were pricking her.

Happy month…

 Why did it appear at this time?

It can be said that she will not look down on anyone of the opposite **** who tries to get close to Ye Qingfeng now, because she is younger and more beautiful than those people, and she is closer to Ye Qingfeng than those people.

 It’s just that I missed the wish for the moon.

After all, he is the person Ye Qingfeng once liked!

How could she forget that Zhu Yuezai was the unexpected and special treatment in Ye Qingfeng's life?


 “Bei Jiyue!”

The teacher next to her saw that she was distracted and gave her a gentle tug.

Bei Jiyue finally came back to her senses and nodded to the teacher to apologize.

 She was still in a daze for the next time.

When coco company wants to select design drafts, it naturally needs to listen to the designer’s design inspiration.

The other two designers had already memorized their written inspirations. Bei Jiyue walked in front of the projector, pretending to be calm and talking about his design inspirations.

 There is nothing wrong with the content, it’s just that she is a little out of shape.

 Ye Qingfeng was aware of it, but because the occasion did not allow it, he could only restrain himself.

The people from coco company discussed it and did not immediately select the design draft. They only said that they would report it to the headquarters for further discussion.

This is nothing.

The group of them returned to the company, but they did not expect that Zhu Yue would also accompany them, so as to deepen their understanding of Ye's Group.

  Talking about work matters, everyone welcomes the arrival of Zhu Yue. After all, the cooperation with Coco is a big profit.

Zhu Yue and Ye Qingfeng walked side by side, chatting a few words from time to time. The two stepped into the special staircase together, and Bei Jiyue almost followed.

 The teacher grabbed her and kept her outside.

Bei Jiyue could only watch the man he liked leave with the ex-girlfriend he once liked!

Bei Jiyue was extremely sad, as if there was a bitter sugar fermenting in her heart.

Her instructor was very worried, "Jiyue, what's wrong with you? You haven't been in good spirits since you met the person in charge of Coco this afternoon."

 “I’m fine, I’m just a little uncomfortable.” I can only find an excuse casually.

“If you don’t feel well, go back and rest first. You did a good job in getting the design draft selected, so I’ll give you half a day off.”

“No, I’m not going to rest, I want to stay.” Bei Jiyue shook her head and walked firmly to the design department office.

 She won’t leave! She wanted to stay and watch Zhu Yue and Ye Qingfeng!

 The bad news still came. She heard that Ye Qingfeng and the person in charge of Coco would have dinner together tonight.

Bei Jiyue sat absentmindedly in front of the computer, feeling almost sour in her heart!

 Zhu Yue's appearance broke all her plans and made her feel uneasy like never before.

That woman has been gone for so many years, why does she appear again! She is so annoying!

Bei Jiyue couldn't reconcile herself to anything, so she rushed out to the lobby to guard her as soon as she got off work.

Seeing Ye Qingfeng and Zhu Yue appear together, she squeezed her hands tightly.

 I don’t know why, but I couldn’t control myself and rushed out.

 She did not call out "Brother Qingfeng" because all her attention fell on Zhu Yue.

 May the moon become more beautiful than before.

 (End of this chapter)

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