My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1641: He just loves you too much

 Chapter 1641 He just loves you too much

“Isn’t it you, Lai Xixi, who likes to take pictures and post the most?”

“I really don’t know whether to praise you for being brave or scolding you for being ignorant. Do you think I, Bei Jiyue, am so easy to bully? Will I let you slander me again and again?”

“Senior sister, I don’t know what you are talking about, I have to leave.”

Lai Xixi felt guilty. She tried to break out, but was pushed back before she could get outside.

Bei Jiyue sneered, "I don't want to talk nonsense to you, but you challenge my bottom line again and again. I will give you one last chance to handle the post within one day, no matter what reason you use to explain this All I want is the result.”

"Don't play tricks on me. If you don't do it, pack your things and get out!" Bei Jiyue's voice was cold and cruel at the last sentence.

Lai Xixi was shocked, but she was stubborn and refused to admit her mistake.

“Bei Jiyue, you don’t run this school. Don’t think you can scare me with just a few words.”

  “Tsk.” Bei Jiyue glanced sideways at Lai Xixi and said arrogantly, “I’m sorry, my family really has shares in this school.”

Lai Xixi knew that Bei Jiyue was the eldest daughter of a wealthy family, but she didn't expect her to be so powerful.

Bei Jiyue raised her hands and warned her one last time, "Remember, you only have one day."

Bei Jiyue turned and left.

Lai Xixi wanted to catch up, but was pushed back to the toilet.

One of them had a bad temper and couldn't stand Lai Xixi for a long time. He took her hair to the sink and gave her a cold shower.

"Lai Xixi, open your eyes and see, is Bei Jiyue someone you can mess with casually? Go and get things done quickly, otherwise you are finished!"

 Lai Xixi was so angry!

Finally, Lai Xixi stood up and apologized, saying that she had framed her.

The matter of catching wind and shadow is just like a gust of wind, it blows away and disperses.


With the changes in the people and things she comes into contact with, Bei Jiyue has broken away from the squeamish girl she once was and has grown into the best child in the eyes of adults and the best student in the eyes of teachers.

 She passed the election for student union president unanimously in her senior year of high school.

 Before she graduated, companies were poaching people through the principal or looking for her to cooperate privately.

Bei Jiyue refused one by one.

 She already has a goal.

 She must enter Ye's Group as an intern!

Ye's Group has not signed an intern agreement with China and the United States, which means that students from China and the United States cannot be directly arranged to join the company unless they apply for the assessment and are admitted.

Bei Jiyue took all her excellent certificates and works over the past three years to participate in the assessment of Ye's Group. She passed the test without any doubt and became an intern of Ye's Group.

Bei Ye knew this and lost his temper at home.

“When you grow up, your wings harden? You don’t want it in your own home, so why don’t you just run away and be picked up by someone else’s house?”

 Kitano was very angry.

 He has always been gentle and doting on his daughter, but this time he showed off to her.

Bei Jiyue hid in her room and cried for a long time, but in the end Beiye didn't come in to comfort her.

Bei Jiyue knew that her father had never been satisfied with her pursuit of Ye Qingfeng, but she had no regrets.

 Her life is her own. She has fulfilled her parents’ expectations and become excellent, but there are some things she should always stick to her own choices!

 Finally, it was Yu Anran who came in to persuade her.

“Yue’er, let’s have a good talk with mommy.”

Bei Jiyue wiped away her tears, her eyes were a little swollen.

Yu Anran felt very distressed when she saw her daughter like this.

 “Don’t blame your dad, he just loves you too much.”

  【The author has something to say】

It really takes a lot of courage to like someone so hard!



 (End of this chapter)

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