My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 164: birthday party

Chapter 164 Birthday Party

“Da da da…” Ye Weiyi, who had been off for a few days due to illness, finally returned to school and was in a good mood.

An Ruan suddenly lay down next to her and asked: "Xiao Li, why don't you let me visit you?"

 “Well, that’s not very convenient.”

Ye Weiwei did not say it clearly. Of course she welcomed friends to visit, but this would not include friends who coveted Ye Xichen.

However, Ye Weiyi now only feels that An Ruan's actions dissatisfied her, but she doesn't think An Ruan is bad, so she is willing to continue to be friends with An Ruan.

Suddenly something occurred to her. She reached out and groped in the drawer, took out a pink and white box and pushed it to An Ruan's table, "Ruan Ruan, I'll give you a pastry to make amends."

When An Ruan saw the exquisite packaging, he subconsciously said, "Pastries, these look expensive, right?"


 An Ruan suddenly remembered, "You were staying in the VIP ward before! You lied to me and said your family had no money!"

 “Uh...I really don’t have any money.”

At this point, Ye Weiwei organized some conversation and told An Ruan what he said about the adopted daughter of the Ye family.

 The more complicated grievances were carefully concealed by her.

An Ruan suddenly realized, "No wonder your friend calls you Weiwei. It turns out that your name is Ye Weiwei."

"Don't mention it again, I have my own name, Qiao Lian." It's not that I don't like Weiyi, but I don't want to be given the surname "Ye" before I find out the truth.

An Ruan's only reaction when he saw Ye was to laugh, but he had other thoughts in his heart.

It doesn’t matter whether Ye Weiyi has money or not. Since Ye Xichen is a young master from a wealthy family, she should like him even more!

 A rich and handsome man, he is simply the best choice for a boyfriend, bar none!

An Ruan put away the cakes politely, took out his mobile phone to take pictures, and then sent them to his own space to show off.

 Someone recognized that it was a high-end brand and posted a price underneath.

An Ruan himself also searched on Baidu, but he didn’t expect that a box as big as two palms would cost four figures.

 It seems that I have underestimated the Ye family's strength.

The more he thinks like this, the stronger An Ruan's purpose is in chasing Ye Xichen.

 After finishing a piece of pastry, she felt endless aftertaste. She turned to Ye Weiyi and said, "Thank you."

 “It doesn’t matter, as long as you like it.”

Ye Xichen bought it for her. She didn't ask about the price. She just wanted to thank An Ruan for his usual help, so she brought the cakes as a gift.

An Ruan felt a little jealous when he saw her nonchalant look.

Obviously she was orphaned when she was a child and was lucky enough to be adopted as an adopted daughter by the Ye family. She must have been kicked out when she grew up, but Ye Xichen still loved her as a biological sister and bought her so many good things!

An Ruan felt that if he spent more time with Ye Xichen, he would definitely treat him differently!

An Ruan estimated that her birthday was approaching, so she went home and asked her parents to hold a birthday party for her.

An Ruan's family is not a wealthy one, but it is more than enough to prepare some delicious food at home and invite friends to have a happy gathering.

After her parents agreed, she first invited Ye Weiwei, "Xiao Lian, it's my birthday next weekend, so you can come to my house."

"It's your birthday..." Ye Weiwei thought for a while and expressed his doubts, "I remember you seem to be a month away?"

An Ruan smiled awkwardly, "Oh, my parents were busy at that time, so they organized it for me in advance. You can come to celebrate my birthday on the weekend."

 “There are a lot of people at the birthday party?”

“Not many, just a few good players in the class, and you.”

 “Oh, oh, okay then.”

Seeing that Ye only agreed, An Ruan smiled proudly.

 As long as Ye Yiyi comes, her plan will go perfectly!

I heard that some people don’t have three days off. It’s very pitiful. I’d like to rub my head and give you some comfort.



 (End of this chapter)

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