My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1638: I miss you! mua~

Chapter 1638 I miss you! mua~

Bei Jiyue sat back helplessly and poked Ye Qingfeng's assistant's phone number in her address book, and the call actually came through.

 It turned out that Ye Qingfeng was on a business trip, and they had just gotten off the plane two minutes ago.

After hearing this, Bei Jiyue restrained her thoughts and asked them to deal with business first.

Just as she was about to hang up, a familiar voice came from the phone.


The man's voice is magnetic and gentle, penetrating into the ears through the mobile phone, and it sounds particularly pleasant.

It turns out that there is a kind of emotion that can be so strong that a single voice can warm her heart.

“Brother Qingfeng, you must have something to deal with just after you got off the plane. I’ll call you later.”

"Need not."

“Huh? But it sounds like you are walking.”

 “It’s okay, do you have anything you want to tell me?”

"Well, it's just..." Bei Jiyue had already held back a lot of things to tell him. She took a deep breath and turned a thousand words into one sentence, "I miss you!"

 The girl's sweet voice seemed to penetrate the infinite distance and gently hit his ears.

Ye Qingfeng, who was on his way, suddenly stopped.

"Brother Qingfeng, you have to work hard! We'll call you when we have time, mua~" Bei Jiyue always looked like a lively little girl in front of him.

After she quickly hung up the phone, she held the phone to her heart and felt her heart pounding.

She used her childishness and immaturity as an excuse to act coquettishly in front of him. That kiss was her longing and her sincerity.

Ye Qingfeng’s assistant walked a few steps ahead and turned around to see that his boss was lagging behind!

The assistant shouted several times but received no response, and saw Ye Qingfeng standing there in a trance.

The assistant couldn't figure out what the little ancestor said to his boss in the conversation, so that he had such a huge influence.

 “Boss? The car is here.”


Ye Qingfeng has already figured out the business of shopping malls, and negotiating contracts is no longer difficult for him.

 Just dealing with long-term customers, eating, drinking and having fun are indispensable.

 “It’s hard work coming from a long way to work in nightclubs.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet Director Song and I hope our cooperation will be successful.”

Director Song brought a slim girl and introduced her to Ye Qingfeng, "This is my little girl Song Manting."

 After some polite remarks, it was obvious what Song Dong was thinking.

 He ​​will introduce his 22-year-old daughter to Ye Qingfeng, and Song Manting clearly expressed her satisfaction and admiration for Ye Qingfeng.

Ye Qingfeng has been favored by the years, and time has not left any traces of age on his face. He looks like a graceful young man.

 Furthermore, this age is the most attractive golden age in the circle of successful people.

He has a strong family background, superior abilities, and superb appearance. He is the expectation of almost all the celebrities in the circle.

 But in these years, Ye Qingfeng has never been rumored to have a love affair with anyone.

 Even if there is, it will be dealt with immediately.

 Ye Qingfeng is a man with unique appeal.

  Sung Dong made an excuse to leave midway, deliberately leaving his daughter behind, saying euphemistically: "Man Ting, it's rare to come to the nightclub once. You must fulfill your duty as a landlord on behalf of your father."

Song Manting responded with a shy face.

 After Director Song left, Song Manting tried to chat with Ye Qingfeng, "Mr. Ye, are you not familiar with this place?"

Ye Qingfeng replied calmly: "I've been here a few times, and I'm quite familiar with it."

Song Manting: "Mr. Ye is collaborating on a project with my father. I can help you promote cooperation."

“Miss Song, doesn’t she know that my father and I have reached an agreement?”

 “This, these are all handled by my father.”

“Since Miss Song doesn’t understand business matters, let’s wait until Director Song has time to talk about it next time.”

 (End of this chapter)

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