My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1629: Rooftop at night

Chapter 1629 Rooftop at Night

 That night, everyone returned to the hotel and rested in their rooms.

 But for some people, the physical fatigue is far less than the "sobriety" of the mind.

Bei Jiyue suffered from insomnia.

This trip was the first time she had been away from her relatives for three full days since she was a child, and it was less than half of their one-week travel plan.

 She is homesick.

I miss my grandma, my parents, and the person I really want to see.

 She was browsing the space boredly, and saw a short comment that was very touching, so she forwarded it casually:

 The phrase "I'm coming to find you" is really enviable.

 Soon, someone gave her a thumbs up for her post, and the first one was Xie Yun.

 It turned out that someone was still asleep like her.

 After a while, I suddenly heard a knock on the door.

She was wondering who it was when several more messages popped up at the top of her phone, all from Xie Yun.

"have you slept?"

 “I’m outside your door.”

 “Can you open the door?”

Bei Jiyue opened the door out of curiosity and saw Xie Yun standing at the door.

“Captain Xie, is something okay?”

"I see you're not sleeping. Let me get you something to eat." Xie Yun was holding a white plastic bag with fruit in his hand.

Bei Jiyue smiled and thanked, "Thank you, then I'm welcome."

 After taking the fruit, the situation became awkward again.

As a girl, she can't invite a boy to her sleeping room to sit down and have a cup of tea at night, right?

 But she saw that Xie Yun was standing at the door and had no intention of leaving, so she accepted the fruit from him, and she didn't want you to drive him away.

“Captain Xie, can’t you sleep?”


"Well... maybe I'm tired from playing in the past three days, so it would be better to rest early." Bei Jiyue tactfully advised him to go back, believing that with the high IQ of the academic master, he could understand the meaning.

But Xie Yun came well prepared and had already prepared a speech, "I can't sleep even when I go back. I know there is an observation deck outside this hotel. Do you want to go and sit there?"

 “Hey, there is also an observation deck.”

This mention aroused Bei Jiyue's interest. She glanced at the time, and it was exactly eleven o'clock in the evening.

 “Okay, let’s go and have a look.”

Bei Jiyue was led by Xie Yun to the observation deck. Standing on the high-rise platform, she could have an unobstructed view of the beautiful scenery at night.

This place is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, but you can see the bright lights in the city, one after another, exaggerating the bustling and bustling city.

 A cool breeze blows in your face at night. It is the most comfortable wind in summer.

 “Wow, it’s great here!”

 “As long as you like it.”

 “The captain deserves to be the captain, he knows everything.”

"it's nothing."

“If I had known earlier, I would have called Lan Lan and the others to watch the night view together.”

 Speaking, Bei Jiyue picked up her cell phone and planned to send a message to others to ask.

Xie Yun watched her movements closely and said, "Everyone is tired from playing. I guess they have already rested, so don't disturb her."

Bei Jiyue thought about it for a while, then gave up the idea and turned on the camera to take pictures.

 “You seem to like photography?”

 “Ah, are you okay? Why do you ask?”

“There were several school activities before, and I saw that you were always taking pictures with a camera.”

   “Haha, that’s the one they took to be a strong man.”

 “I’ve seen the finished film and it’s pretty good.”

 “Thank you for the compliment, it turns out that top students also blow rainbow farts.”

"What did you say?"

 “No, no.” She puffed her cheeks and shook her head, averting her eyes guiltily.

Lan Lan has recently learned a lot of Internet buzzwords, but she said them without paying attention, which made her feel embarrassed.

Such small gestures are extremely cute in the eyes of others.

 “Northern Jiyue.”


 (End of this chapter)

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