My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1624: A different life (a small conclusion)

 Chapter 1624 A Different Life (a small conclusion)

When her roommates happily talked about the photos on the campus wall in the dormitory, Zhu Yue remained silent and did not participate in the topic.

“The family genes are so strong, they look so good in photos!”

“Yueyue, have you seen it? This photo is really beautiful.”

Unaware of this, Shuangshuang even handed her the phone to look at.

Zhu Yue just glanced at it and felt irritable.

Shuangshuang sensitively noticed that she was in a bad mood and asked the reason, "What's wrong with you?"

"We broke up." Zhu Yue's voice was low, and her whole person lost some vitality.


 “What’s going on?”

 “Nothing, inappropriate.”

Zhu Yue didn’t want to explain the details, so Shuangshuang left her side in embarrassment.

The door to the dormitory was pushed open. When he came back from outside, he came in with a box and began to mutter: "Shuangshuang, I just met your boyfriend outside the dormitory. He asked me to bring up this box of snacks. I just happened to be here again today. Lemon!"

 The roommate’s tone was very envious.

Shuangshuang was embarrassed to show off her affection like before, so she quietly carried the box to her desk, opened it and gave it to her roommates according to the old rules.

 “What’s wrong?”

Roommates who don’t know the situation also feel that the atmosphere in the dormitory is not good.

 After Zhu Yue confessed to her roommates, no one dared to mention the name Ye Qingfeng in front of her.


 Ye Zhiruo was the first to know that her brother was in love, and also the first to know that they had broken up.

Hearing this, Ye Zhiruo just sighed a little, lamenting this inexplicable relationship.

After all, she didn't think Ye Qingfeng and Zhu Yue could go far from the beginning. She knew very well what kind of heart her brother had.

 Ye Qingfeng has a high IQ and a good emotional intelligence, but emotional intelligence does not only represent love. At least Ye Qingfeng hasn't touched the word "love" at all yet.

It can be said that this ending was expected by her...

“Ye Zhiruo, the teacher just informed me that the next anatomy class will be in the laboratory. Do you want to go back to the dormitory to get your white coat?”


"Then you can help me carry it. I'm hungry and want to buy something."


 “Thank you! Thank you!”

Ye Zhiruo put away the books from the previous class and went back to the dormitory to get clothes in an orderly manner.

Look, she finally leads the campus life of an ordinary college student. She is very happy even without falling in love, isn't she?

Although, her brother Ye Qingfeng prefers to stand at a high point and be the decision-maker...

For example, in addition to being busy with studies, Ye Qingfeng is also devoted to the affairs of the student union.

If nothing else happens, he will be the president of the next student union.


 At night, the boys’ dormitory was also talking about the photos on the campus wall.

 They all envied Ye Qingfeng who was easy to bully. The sister from school was beautiful and elegant, and there was also a little sister here who was cute and lively.

“Hey, isn’t this the person you used to video chat with Ye Qingfeng every night?”

“We won’t be allowed to see the video. You can’t control this photo.”

 “How lucky you are, she is a beauty. With this look, I can wait another ten years!”

  It doesn’t matter how they laughed before, but this last sentence annoyed Ye Qingfeng.

 He warned seriously, "Don't make fun of her!"

 “Okay, okay, okay, I consciously keep my voice down.”

At this moment, there is still a video hanging on his phone. In the video, the little girl is sitting next to Mo Xiangnuan and learning the piano for two.

Occasionally, she turned back and gestured at the screen, as if seeking praise.

After a while, the little girl ran to the camera, took the phone away, and muttered to him, "Brother Han Qi called sister Nuannuan again."

 (End of this chapter)

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