My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1621: his little angel (1)

 Chapter 1621 His little angel (1)

There is no shortage of young couples showing affection on the university campus, but this is the first time that such a handsome young man is holding a little Lolita.

 Say father and daughter, right? The man is too young!

 Speaking of lovers? Girls are too naive!

 To sum it up, they are brother and sister.

 The brother is holding his sister, and the sister is holding an umbrella. The umbrella cannot cover their faces.

 Such a picture is really eye-catching.

Ye Qingfeng was worried that the little girl would get caught in the rain, so he took her directly to the milk tea shop on campus.

“Brother Feng, I haven’t even visited the campus yet.”

 “I’ll take you there when the rain outside eases up.”


 The little girl took out her tablet from her schoolbag to watch the video. Ye Qingfeng ordered two glasses of milk and some small pastries and sat opposite her.

This scene made people passing by take a second look.

Shuangshuang came down from the dormitory and wanted to go to the cafeteria to pack lunch. When she took a shortcut through the milk tea shop, she was surprised to find this scene.

She quickly took a photo with her mobile phone and sent it to the dormitory group: I saw Yueyue's male ticket at the milk tea shop!

Because it was raining, everyone was squatting in the dormitory without going out, so as soon as Shuangshuang's message was sent out, it was seen by the roommates. The roommates read it in the dormitory, and everyone picked up their mobile phones to read it.

Of course, someone noticed the little girl opposite Ye Qingfeng and immediately asked, "Who is that girl?"


Zhu Yue’s typing explanation: She is his sister.

“Wow, even my family has seen it, Yueyue, you are so silent and do big things!”

 Zhu Yue held her breath silently in her heart.

It would be better not to meet her parents at all. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Bei Jiyue doesn't like her, it can even be said that he hates her.

 She is so worried!

Zhu Yue didn’t want to go where Bei Jiyue was present, but when she saw the pictures Shuangshuang posted in the group, she couldn’t help it.

Yesterday she dared to kiss Ye Qingfeng, but today Ye Qingfeng didn't say anything. Even when he brought Bei Jiyue to school, he didn't say a word to her, as if the two of them had no boyfriend-girlfriend relationship at all.

Zhu Yue thought for a while, then quickly dressed up, changed her clothes and went downstairs.

She deliberately hid aside and saw Ye Qingfeng and Bei Jiyue each playing their own thing, one holding a mobile phone and the other holding a tablet.

 But Ye Qingfeng would raise his eyes to look at Bei Jiyue from time to time, and then look down at his mobile phone. Or hand her a small pastry and remind her to eat it.

 The rain stopped outside.

 “Have you finished watching this episode?”

 “I want to see it again…”

"not now."

 Ye Qingfeng heard the sound of the ending of the anime and took the tablet away from Bei Jiyue, quickly put it away and put it into her small school bag.

He naturally held Bei Jiyue's hand, and the two left the milk tea shop.

“Let’s go to the campus printing room first. I want to print out the materials one by one.”


Ye Qingfeng entered the printing room, and Bei Jiyue stood outside waiting.

She suddenly heard the cry of a kitten, looked up and saw something moving on the window supports of the building opposite the printing room.

That is a residential building, and the cat meowing came from there.

  A little milk cat is moving on the window, and it will fall down if you are not careful.

Bei Jiyue looked left and right, and suddenly had an idea and ran to the printing room to find Ye Qingfeng to get an umbrella.

Ye Qingfeng followed her out, and saw Bei Jiyue running quickly to the window and opening the umbrella, with the concave side facing up, trying to catch the little milk cat.

The little milk cat stretched out its legs and was eager to try, but seemed a little afraid.

Bei Jiyue didn't care whether it understood or not, she just tried to save her with her true intention, "Come down, little kitten, I will catch you."

 (End of this chapter)

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