My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1609: He is someone else's boyfriend

 Chapter 1609 He is someone else’s boyfriend

Mo Xiangnuan has always hidden many secrets in his heart, which even a family member has no way of finding out.

  School has just started and I am still very busy. In addition to class work, I also have personal matters...

Yezhiruo is good-looking and not squeamish. Although she has the temperament of a royal sister, she does not prevent others from getting in touch with her, so she quickly got to know each other with the new classmates in the dormitory.

 There is a little trouble on Ye Qingfeng's side.

 In the boys' dormitory, one of the roommates who was more willing to spend money offered to treat them to dinner in order to promote our relationship.

The boys packed up their things quickly and left as soon as they went out. But when they got downstairs, a girl walked towards them and stopped them.

  To be precise, it was to stop Ye Qingfeng.

 After many days, Ye Qingfeng and Zhu Yue met face to face again.

The person in the dormitory asked in surprise: "Who is this?"

Ye Qingfeng did not introduce Zhu Yue's identity to them, but said directly: "You go find a place first, and then send me the address."

 “Oke Oke!”

 The relationship between men is so refreshing!

The other three roommates walked away slowly and curiously, looking back from time to time, probably because they were not familiar with them yet and it was inconvenient to ask or tease them.

 Here Ye Qingfeng and Zhu Yue were left looking at each other.

Zhu Yue smiled at him and said, "Ye Qingfeng, I have fulfilled the conditions you said. I am here to ask you for an answer today."

 Both of them still remembered that Zhu Yue confessed to him at school more than two months ago, and he promised to give her an accurate reply at this moment.

Zhu Yue feels that she has been waiting for a long time, and now is the time!

The two of them stood quietly, Ye Qingfeng thinking quietly, Zhu Yue didn't rush him, she just stared at him intently.

 After a long time, Ye Qingfeng finally nodded slightly.

Zhu Yue opened her eyes in disbelief.

 Did she read that correctly? Did Ye Qingfeng nod just now?

"Ye Qingfeng, you just nodded, didn't you! You promised me, didn't you?" Zhu Yue grabbed his arm as soon as she got excited.

His brows furrowed and then quickly straightened out, and finally he acquiesced.

“Hahaha, I’m really happier today than when I got the admission notice!” Zhu Yue couldn’t wait to take out her mobile phone to announce the good news to her brother, and even sent the message to the space to let everyone know!

But then she thought about it, and she still didn't know if Ye Qingfeng was willing to expose their relationship so quickly, so she put away her phone, but she couldn't hide the bright smile on her face.

“Then can we go...for dinner?” After all, it was a girl. She described the word “date” more euphemistically, saying it was dinner.

Isn’t a meal as a boyfriend and girlfriend equivalent to a date?

Zhu Yue rubbed her hands secretly. She had even opened an APP and started to choose food, but she heard the person say: "I can't do it today, I have promised to have dinner with my roommate."

"Then I..." Zhu Yue settled for the next best thing, hoping that Ye Qingfeng could take her along.

Ye Qingfeng seemed not to understand, and said directly: "Are you hungry? Eat whatever you want, and I will reimburse you."

 One sentence made Zhu Yue's little worry disappear. At least Ye Qingfeng already knew the identity of her "boyfriend" clearly, right?

 As a girlfriend, she must also learn to be tolerant and understanding.

Zhu Yue smiled generously and said, "No, I didn't ask you to be my boyfriend just for you to reimburse me for meals. I know you have an appointment with a friend first, so go quickly. We will have many opportunities to have dinner together in the future."


 (End of this chapter)

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