My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1556: Are you triplets?

Chapter 1556 Are you triplets?

I don’t know if it was Mo Xiangnuan’s imagination, but she always felt that the atmosphere when talking to Yu Meihui was a bit depressing...

 But Yu Meihui took the initiative to find topics and seemed to want to get closer to her.

Mo Xiangnuan thought that they always wanted her to make more friends and interact with people. Now that she had this opportunity, she might give it a try.

Yu Meihui had a lot of questions, one after another, but these questions were all within Mo Xiangnuan's acceptance range, so she didn't feel there was anything wrong.

“Hey, since you are the youngest daughter of the Ye family, does that mean you, Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo are triplets?”


“How is your relationship with them at home?”

“It’s very good. My brothers and sisters are very good to me.”

 “But why haven’t I seen you at a banquet before?”

“Well, because I’m not used to such occasions, it was always my sister or brother who might come back.”

"Oh, that's how it is…"

Through the exchange of certain questions, Yu Meihui has gotten to know Mo Xiangnuan a little bit. He is relatively simple and willing to answer anything he asks, unlike those old foxes who have been in this kind of situation for a long time and are all very cunning.

“Nuan Nuan, do you have a mobile phone? Let’s leave a contact information.”


Mo Xiangnuan simply gave her his contact information, and the two became "good friends".

After the banquet, Mo Xiangnuan discovered that he and Yu Meihui were in the same school.

 It’s quite a fate.

 In this way, the two people will spend more time in contact.

Yu Meihui often comes to play with her, have a meal or go to the library or do something else together. Yu Meihui has always been very enthusiastic towards her, and the two of them are good friends and sisters in the eyes of others, which makes Mo Xiangnuan wonder if there is something wrong with his mentality...

  Could it be that she couldn't accept such enthusiastic contributions from others, so until now there was something in her heart that prevented her from getting close to Meihui.

Mo Xiangnuan couldn't figure it out after thinking about it. She just felt that Yu Meihui was so sincere and kind to her, but she couldn't return the same friendship to Yu Meihui.

 Finally, Mo Xiangnuan decided to give Yu Meihui a gift, because Ye Weiwei told her that giving gifts to friends is also a good way to improve the relationship between the two.

 Ye Youyi is the best at buying gifts and giving them to people, because she is the person in the Ye family who likes to buy things and give gifts the most! No matter what age, personality or gender, Ye Weiwei has researched on giving gifts.

Mo Xiangnuan told Ye Weiyi about his idea of ​​giving gifts to friends, and Ye Weiyi asked, "Is there anything she particularly likes?"

Mo Xiangnuan shook his head.

 “Then do you know her hobbies?”

Mo Xiangnuan still shook his head.

 Ye Weiwei's behavior towards his silly daughter was really dumbfounding.

“Baby, you said that person is your friend, but why don’t you know anything about your friend?”

 “Because she didn’t say anything about Meihui.”

"You have to discover many things by yourself. If you really want to be friends with someone, you have to pay a corresponding price. Although making friends depends on fate and following your heart, maintaining the relationship between friends also depends on methods. "Since you said your friend is a very enthusiastic and outgoing person, then buy her some interesting toys."

Of course, the toys here do not refer to those children’s toys that children play with.

 (End of this chapter)

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