My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1536: My Mo Xiaonuan

Chapter 1536 My Mo Xiaonuan

“Just, it’s my first time here, that…um…”

 The head keeps hanging down, almost bending the back!

 Mo Xiangnuan has never had menstruation due to physical reasons. This should be a terrible thing for a girl, but she didn’t expect that she would be under such circumstances now...

 She breathed a sigh of relief, because it meant that there was nothing wrong with her body.

  Can be biased! But Han Qi accompanied her through the whole process.

When she was in the toilet just now, the female classmate told her, "That boy is really nervous about you. He ran to buy sanitary napkins for a **** campus. You know how much courage it takes!"

Some chauvinistic people will not touch these things at all. It would be embarrassing for boys to buy such things, let alone the crowds coming and going on campus.

 But Han Qi ran to buy something without hesitation, just because she needed it!

"I, let's go back, go back to class." Mo Xiangnuan stammered after finishing his sentence, already very shy.

Mo Xiangnuan told Han Qi not to tell her family about her fainting at school because her fainting and stomachache were due to dysmenorrhea.

The only person who learned about Mo Xiangnuan's physical condition that night was that she immediately asked someone to modify Mo Xiangnuan's food menu, and also prepared brown sugar water at all times to condition her body.

Han Qi helped her a lot this time, and the previous cold war no longer existed.


 “I’m going to hit the wet nurse on the other side, please pay attention to yourself.”

 “Don’t go around the pillar, just rush over!”

The only sound in Han Qi's room besides his shouting was the crackling sound of the keyboard.

 He was playing games with Ye Xiaoye again, wearing headphones as if he was isolated from the world.

Mo Xiangnuan didn't even hear him when he knocked on the door with something in his hand.

Mo Xiangnuan knocked several times and waited for a while. She vaguely heard the sound of playing games inside. She hesitated for a long time before pushing the door open and going in.

Looking around, Han Qi was sitting in front of the computer, his nimble fingers were operating rapidly on the keyboard, and he was talking with headphones on his head.

After playing the game for a while, Mo Xiangnuan also understood a little bit.

She knows that Han Qi is playing games with others because of YY. It seems to be called black?

Han Qi seemed to have lost the battle. He was so angry that he slapped the keyboard, but not with much force.

Mo Xiangnuan stepped forward to stop him in time, "Han Qi."

Hearing the shout, Han Qi suddenly turned around and asked, "Why are you here?"

Mo Xiangnuan handed him the plate in his hand, "This is the fruit salad I just made, let you try it."

“Hey, is there some conspiracy behind being so nice to me?” Han Qi looked left and right.

Mo Xiangnuan asked doubtfully: "What are you looking at?"

Han Qi replied calmly, "I was looking to see if you brought a book to force me to study."

Mo Xiangnuan puffed his lips and said, "I didn't bring any books today."

"That's good, hey." Han Qi breathed a sigh of relief, but he was afraid that this guy would come to visit him with a book.

Han Qi took the food unceremoniously. He had a few words with Mo Xiangnuan here, and Ye Xiaoye at the other end of the YY almost exploded!

They had just lost three games in a row and were in a bad state. Now that Han Qi didn't answer directly, Ye Xiaoye was going to explode!

“Han Qi, can you still fight?”

 Han Qi opened the free wheat directly while eating, "beat, beat, beat."

 As soon as you say fight, start platooning.

 After entering the queue, Han Qi said directly: "My Mo Xiaonuan is watching from the side. Aunt Ye, please give me a good shot."

 (End of this chapter)

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