My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1534: Fainted in the classroom

Chapter 1534 Fainted in the classroom

 “Did he bully you?”

"No no."

“So you bullied him?”

 “It’s not, it’s not.”

Mo Xiangnuan shook her head and explained, but it was a bit unclear because she was unwilling to tell her family directly about Han Qi's cheating.

But as long as she revealed a little bit, how could she still guess the IQs of Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo?

It is impossible for Han Qi to get such a high score, so there must be something fishy involved.

However, like Ye Qingfeng, it only matters whether one of the two has been bullied or wronged. Since the Cold War is due to some external reasons, it is not convenient for them to intervene forcefully.

 Everyone will meet different people and experience different things in life. If you can solve a problem with your own ability, it is also an experience in life.

 Mo Xiangnuan and Han Qi were in a cold war. Their family members would pay attention to their emotional changes, but they would not join in with a tough attitude.

 Han Qi behaved politely in front of the Ye family, respected his elders, and treated Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo as brothers and sisters. The only special person was Mo Xiangnuan.

Han Qi has been a little worried these days, refusing to go to play ball even when his buddies ask him to.

As long as he is in the classroom, Han Qi's eyes almost always fall on Mo Xiangnuan. Although he doesn't say anything, he can do it.

In the past two classes, Han Qi unexpectedly discovered that Mo Xiangnuan often frowned and covered his stomach with his hands, and his expression did not look good.

 “Mo Xiaonuan, are you feeling uncomfortable?”


Mo Xiangnuan usually doesn't like to trouble others, and when others ask, he will answer smoothly that it's okay.

 But once a person is sick, there is really no way to hide it.

 In the third class, Mo Xiangnuan fainted.

At that time, the mathematics teacher was really standing on the podium teaching, and suddenly he heard Han Qi repeatedly shouting the three words "Mo Xiaonuan".

His exclamation attracted the attention of the whole class. The teacher did not bother to scold him for disrupting classroom discipline and rushed him to the hospital.

Han Qi didn't know where the energy came from, so he hugged Mo Xiangnuan directly.

Mo Xiangnuan was sent to the school infirmary. Judging from the examination results, it was not serious.

Mo Xiangnuan, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes in a daze and saw a figure sitting next to him.

 She rested on the bed for a while, then sat up with her hands on the bed.

 “Han Qi?”

 “You are finally willing to wake up.”

"What's wrong with me?"

 "Fainted and scared several people to death."

"I..." Mo Xiangnuan stretched out his hand and rubbed his head.

 She knew that she was not in good health, but she didn't know that she could faint just from a stomachache.

 “But my stomach still hurts a little.”

“Wait for me to call you a doctor!”

"No, I want to go to the toilet." The girl was still a little embarrassed to say that she wanted to go to the toilet in front of a boy, but she must have explained to Han Qi when she got up now.

Han Qi didn't care so much and carried Mo Xiangnuan directly to the toilet door.

 When Mo Xiangnuan felt his body rising into the air, he felt scared and anxious! It wasn't until the moment her feet landed firmly that she felt solid, but the pain in her stomach now made her have no mind to think about anything else.

Mo Xiangnuan had just gone to the toilet for half a minute when Han Qi caught a person passing by and said, "Hey, classmate, please do me a favor."

He wanted the girls to help see if Mo Xiangnuan was okay. He was really afraid that Mo Xiangnuan would faint in the toilet.

The girl came out quickly after entering, but Mo Xiangnuan was not there.

 (End of this chapter)

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