My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1521: Go find him in the game

Chapter 1521: Find him in the game

"Han Qi?" Mo Xiangnuan had already recognized the special voice.

Han Qi touched his chin, which seemed to be red.

Mo Xiangnuan apologized quickly, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. How are you?"

 She subconsciously reached out her hand, but Han Qi dodged it.

Mo Xiangnuan didn't care about these small details. She only knew that she had caused trouble for Han Qi again...

Just now, Mo Xiangnuan handed over the milk tea and said, "You can drink it if you don't want me to drink it."

Han Qi reached out to take it unceremoniously, inserted the straw into Mo Xiangnuan's mouth without hesitation, and stuffed it into Mo Xiangnuan's mouth.

 “Drink up.”


Mo Xiangnuan almost choked when he was given a sip of milk tea without warning.

 “I, cough, cough, cough.”

 Seeing how she couldn't react when she was bullied, Han Qi finally stopped and said, "Why are you so stupid?"

 “You’re the stupid one!”

 “You are a little fool.”

Mo Xiangnuan didn’t know how to curse, and it didn’t seem threatening to follow Han Qi. She thought about it and finally said, "I want to complain to my brother and sister!"

Han Qi was almost unhappy!

During the few days Han Qi stayed at Yejia, Han Xingye came to visit several times. Twice, Mo Xiangnuan heard Han Xingye calling him to go home, but Han Qi refused and even said: "You can lock him up if you can." I’m going back, I’ll just run away when I get the chance!”

Such rebellious words have a great impact on a well-behaved and obedient child like Mo Xiangnuan, but she doesn't understand why Han Qi is so repulsive to Han Xingye, even though Han Xingye is obviously very good to him.

They say she is a loving mother and a strict father, but Han Xingye never beat or scolded Han Qi even when he was angry. It can be said that he is really doted on.

On this day, Mo Xiangnuan passed by Han Qi's room and found that his door was not closed. She wanted to close the door for him, but accidentally saw Han Qi playing games through the crack of the door.

Mo Xiangnuan didn't know about that game originally, but it could be seen that Han Qi often played it, so she became familiar with it.

 After finishing his homework, Mo Xiangnuan turned on the computer and unconsciously clicked on the game to download.

 She is not very good at playing games. She doesn’t even understand the basic operations after logging into the game.

The system asked her to choose the server to log in to, and she didn’t know whether these games were interoperable.

 Because she didn’t understand, she simply chose the main server recommended by the system.

A person who has never played an online game is completely confused when she enters the game. She follows the instructions to complete the tasks, and she can’t even find the location of the tasks.

 “Nuan Nuan!”

Ye Zhiruo came to find her, and she quickly pressed the shortcut key to switch to the desktop.

“Nuan Nuan, the album we bought last time when we went shopping seems to be here with you, please give it to me.”

"Okay~" Mo Xiangnuan thought for a moment and was able to find the exact location of the album, then handed it to Ye Zhiruo.

 “That’s it, thanks.”

After getting the album, Ye Zhiruo confirmed that it was correct, waved to her and went out.

 Mo Xiangnuan saw the closed door and opened the game page after a while, feeling a little guilty.

 “Ah, I’m going to die!”

 She somehow entered the area with the red monster and was beaten to a pulp.

 Suddenly, a blue skill special effect fell next to her, and the surrounding red monsters were instantly killed, lying on the ground, turned gray, and then disappeared.

Mo Xiangnuan looked at the game interface and was quite surprised.

 Then she heard a "ding" sound from the game system, and someone secretly chatted with her: Are you a noob?

Mo Xiangnuan reached out and typed a few words.

 (End of this chapter)

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