My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1501: The night is as warm as air and ink

Chapter 1501 The night is as warm as air and ink

Ye Zhiruo understood what they meant, but she couldn't understand some of them.

“Mommy, does this mean that my brother and I’s concern for Nuannuan has become a burden?”

“Your starting point is right, but the life Nuannuan wants to live is different from yours.”

"It's different? We are a family. Is our concern for Nuannuan wrong? Mommy, do you mean that my brother and I shouldn't do that?"

“Ruoruo, mommy didn’t mean that.”

Yezhiruo pressed her head and rubbed it gently, "I'm sorry, Mommy, I may be a little impulsive."

“Ruoruo, I know that you and Feng’er are relatively good at Nuan Nuan, but Nuan Nuan’s lifestyle is different from yours. Can you understand?”


Ye Zhiruo closed her eyes and pondered her emotions for a while, as if the barbed questions just now did not come from her own mouth.

 Her self-discipline is very strong.

“Mommy, I have something else to do, so I’ll leave first.”

 Ye Zhiruo retreats from this door.

Ye Weiwei looked at Ye Zhiruo's back until she disappeared at the door. Ye Weiwei sighed and sat on the stool and shook her head helplessly. She never thought that such a thing would lead to a dispute.

No one can deny that their starting point is to be good to Mo Xiangnuan, but Ye Zhiruo can't figure it out. The words "Mo Xiangnuan" are envied by many people in Egg College, but Mo Xiangnuan doesn't like them.

In this family, Ye Zhiruo and Ye Qingfeng have always been the two people who have the best understanding of each other, but this time their attitudes towards things are slightly different.

If Ye Zhi is in a bad mood these two days, people close to her will be able to notice it.

"Brother, I know everyone has their own choice, but why is Nuan Nuan unwilling to tell us? Mommy said that although the two of us are outstanding talents in the eyes of others, our existence has brought trouble to Nuan Nuan. Troubled.”

 “Ruoruo, are you jealous?”

"Brother, why do you have such an idea? Mommy's feelings for us are the same as her feelings for Nuannuan. I have never doubted this. I just feel that our sincere efforts have become the eyes of others. Troubled, it makes me wonder if I’m doing something wrong!”

“That’s Nuannuan’s choice, let her go.”

"elder brother!"

Ye Zhiruo shouted loudly and frowned, showing his displeasure.

Ye Qingfeng thought for a while, and the person who tied the bell had to be tied to untie the bell. The problem that Ye Zhiruo was struggling with was Mo Xiangnuan, and only Mo Xiangnuan could solve it himself.

Some things won't be understood by everyone unless they are spoken out. Mo Xiangnuan also knew this, but she didn't expect Ye Zhiruo's reaction to be so big.

In Mo Xiangnuan's memory, Ye Zhiruo has always been a gentle sister. This time Ye Zhiruo was angry and she panicked!

Mo Xiangnuan went to apologize to Ye Zhiruo, but Ye Zhiruo asked her why she wanted to apologize.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell my sister in advance about changing schools.”

Yezhiruo put his head aside and said, "Since you want to change schools, just change it. Mommy and Daddy won't refuse your request anyway."

 At first glance, I thought Ye Zhiruo was jealous!

Ye Zhiruo asked several questions in succession, but Mo Xiangnuan, who was not very good at speaking, actually wiped his eyes and started to shed tears.

 “Don’t cry.”

Mo Xiangnuan raised his hand and swore: "Sister, I really didn't hide it from you on purpose, and I promise I will never do it again in the future."

Ye Zhiruo! !

This silly girl, the two of them are not communicating on the same line!

 (End of this chapter)

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