My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1499: Give her a romance novel

Chapter 1499: Give her a romance novel

Mo Xiangnuan's words seemed to tell a story, and her own experience was like a story.

Du Heng thought for a long time before saying: "Maybe you should talk to them about your thoughts. They want to be nice to you, but they just don't know how to be nice to you. If you don't want to say it, then they can only use what they think is nice. Way to treat you."

 That day, Du Heng fed her chicken soup for the soul all afternoon.

Mo Xiangnuan thought about it for a long time after he returned.

 “Dong dong dong.”


Ye Zhiruo pushed open the door and entered, holding a pink storage box in her hand.

 Ye Zhiruo put the box on the table and placed it in front of Mo Xiangnuan.

Mo Xiangnuan asked curiously: "What is this?"

 “Well, romance novels.”


 “Here are some I got from Yu’er for you to see.”

 “Read romance novels to me? Why?”

"I don't know if you like it, but Yu'er told me that many girls like to watch this kind of thing, so I'll show it to you. If you like it, I'll go to Yu'er to get it." Ye Zhiruo shrugged. .

  She didn’t like this, but she wasn’t sure whether her sister would like it, so she brought it back to her sister to see and let her make her own choice.

“QAQ” Mo Xiangnuan’s expression can probably be described by this symbol!

 Of course she knows about romance novels, because many girls in her class read them.

Mo Xiangnuan flipped through a few pages and felt pretty good.

 Ye Zhiruo asked: "How is it? Do you like it?"

Mo Xiangnuan nodded, "Thank you, sister, it's very nice."

She started to flip through the book, and Ye Zhiruo applauded herself, "As long as you like it, you don't usually ask for things from us, and I don't know what you need. Since you like it, just take it and read it. Tell me when you're done. If you still want them, I'll get them. If you don't, I'll give them back to Yu'er."

Mo Xiangnuan slowly remembered Ye Zhiruo's words in his heart.

 She remembered what Du Heng told her.

The people in the Ye family simply wanted to be nice to her, but she was too timid to speak out her truest thoughts. In the final analysis, it was still her own problem.

Mo Xiangnuan thought for a while, stretched out his hand and tugged on Ye Zhiruo's sleeve, and asked seriously: "Sister, if I say I don't like it, will you be unhappy?"

"Huh? Of course not. I gave it to you because I wanted you to be happy. If you don't like it, just tell me what you like and I'll give you something you like."

"is that so…"

 “Then what else? You really don’t like it, so what do you say you like?”

Mo Xiangnuan asked, while making a gesture to collect the book. Mo Xiangnuan quickly stretched out his hand to protect the book, "Sister, don't take it away, I like it very much."

 “Yo, are you kidding me?”

"I don't."

Ye Zhiruo smiled and sighed, reaching out to rub her hair, "Forget it, as long as you are happy."

After this incident, Mo Xiangnuan discovered that Du Heng’s Chicken Soup for the Soul turned out to be really effective!

 She was also thinking about talking to Ye Weiwei.

While Ye Xichen was not at home, Mo Xiangnuan pulled Ye Weiwei into the room alone.

Ye Weiyi was quite strange at first, "Nuan Nuan, what are you doing?"

 “Mommy, I want to discuss something with you.”

 “Discuss something? What? Just say what you want to do.”

 “Well...I think, drop out of school.”

 (End of this chapter)

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