My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1488: An unspeakable confession

Chapter 1488 The unspeakable confession

Jiang Yuran placed another ginkgo leaf in Nangong Yu's book, but Nangong Yu still didn't know about it this time.

When school was over in the afternoon, Ye Zhiruo came to Nangong Yu to pick up a book: "Yu'er, where are the books I asked you to bring for me yesterday?"

 “Bring it, I’ll give it to you.”

Nangong Yu likes to collect books, and Ye Zhiruo can often find good things from her, so last night Ye Zhiruo borrowed another book from Nangong Yu, and it happened to be the one with ginkgo leaves.

Without Nangong Yu’s knowledge, the book was transferred to Ye Zhiruo.

Ye Zhiruo was in a happy mood after getting it. He flipped the thing over and dropped it again.

But being in this classroom was no better than in the room. This time the ginkgo leaves fell silently, and neither of them noticed.

 “Thanks, honey, I’m leaving first.”


 Yezhiruo waved his hand and took the book away.

Jiang Yuran, who had been beside him, watched the whole process, but couldn't say anything when he reached his lips. He didn't pick up the ginkgo leaves until Nangong Yu also left his seat.

Jiang Yuran looked at the ginkgo leaves in his hands and shook his head and sighed, "Oh."

 Why are you so worried when you like someone?

 There was no other way, so Jiang Yuran had no choice but to look for another opportunity.

Probably because the time, place, and people were not right, he always felt something was wrong every time he looked for an opportunity. It was always just a little bit wrong, and he didn't even say a word about making an appointment for a long time!

 In the end, he also adopted an old-fashioned method, bribed a person and asked that person to spread the message...

Although the method is old-fashioned, this time he really conveyed the meaning to Nangong Yu.

Nangong Yu subconsciously raised his head and glanced into the distance, while Jiang Yuran hid behind the wall with a guilty conscience.

Nangong Yu refused without any hesitation, "Please say something back to that person. If you need anything, come to me in the classroom or call me and say thank you."

She was politely refusing to go to the appointment.

 Jiang Yuran felt very upset after receiving the reply.

Even though they had just entered junior high school and were still a little ignorant about things like relationships, Nangong Yu was like the goddess of his first love in his heart, and he was always itching to get her.

 Jiang Yuran has not wavered in his determination and has been looking for opportunities.

 The time of adolescence is always childish and beautiful.

 In a blink of an eye, Mo Xiangnuan graduated from elementary school!

 For convenience, she was also arranged to enter Egger Academy.

When Mo Xiangnuan once again set foot as an apprentice at Egger Academy, she really didn't expect that she would be in this capacity.

If this kind of thing had been put aside a year ago, she would never have dreamed of it!

“Nuan Nuan, if you have anything to do at school from now on, you can always come to me, my brother, and Yu’er.”

 “Don’t worry, sister.”

˜It has been almost a year since the school’s campus anniversary celebration. This time, Mo Xiangnuan appeared in front of the students of Aige College with a new look and identity. No one knew her past!

In the days when he returned to Yejia, Mo Xiangnuan had learned the way of life in the city as quickly as possible and integrated into it.

 She has completely changed her appearance now.

 She is no longer the Li Pan'er who only knew how to wash and cook at home. She already has an identity that many people envy.

She is no longer the skinny, short, dark-skinned country girl she once was. Under Ye Weiwei's careful care in the past six months, Mo Xiangnuan has taken good care of her body. As her nutrition has kept up, she has naturally started to grow taller, and her skin has become much whiter. .

 Although it still can’t achieve the effect of having a face full of collagen like Ye Zhiruo, at least it doesn’t look rough now.

Mo Xiangnuan's appearance slowly opened up, and people around her gradually realized that she looked more and more similar to Ye Zhiruo.

 (End of this chapter)

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