My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1470: Is he very nervous about Bei Jiyue?

Chapter 1470 Is he nervous about Bei Jiyue?

Except for Nangong Luo, who often changes cars, others have no special requirements for cars. They often use the same car when going out, so it is easy to identify.

Ye Qingfeng knew it was the Yu family's car just by looking at it.

The car stopped, the door opened, and sure enough, a little head popped out of it.

Bei Jiyue jumped out of the car, and Ye Qingfeng was so scared that her heart trembled.

"What happened? Who taught Yue'er to jump out of the car on her own!"

He gave a dissatisfied shout and immediately turned around and went downstairs.

Nangong Yu still stood at the window and took a few more glances, and found that Bei Jiyue had disappeared.

She stood there and murmured to herself, "Brother Qingfeng's reaction was too quick..."

Bei Jiyue's action of jumping out of the car was quite dangerous, but they had clearly seen Bei Jiyue land safely, and Ye Qingfeng ran out anyway.

Nangong Yu shook his head, turned around and walked out of the room.

 At this moment, Ye Qingfeng had already run to the gate.

As soon as Bei Jiyue saw him, she rushed towards him happily, moved her head directly into his arms and rubbed her, shouting happily: "Brother Feng."

Ye Qingfeng's words that he wanted to educate her just now were stuck in his throat!

With Bei Jiyue's sweet shout, how could he be willing to even say a word of reproach?

“Yue’er, did you jump out of the car just now?”

“Yes, yes, isn’t Yue’er great? Yue’er can get out of the car by herself!”

 Because Bei Jiyue was hard-won, she was really a princess who was held in the palm of her hand and pampered.

The brothers and sisters of the Ye family have been learning self-defense and survival in the wild since they were young, but Beiye and Yu Anran really don't want their daughter to suffer, and just want her to grow up happily under the wings of peace.

Taking the incident just now as an example, someone else was holding or holding her before letting her get off the car, so this was the first time Ye Qingfeng saw her jumping off by herself, and he was really afraid that she would bump into her!

Even Yu Anran was frightened by her. When she caught up with her daughter, she heard that Ye Qingfeng was already teaching her the correct way to get off the car, so she suppressed her words a little, "Yue'er, you can't do that in the future. You don’t know how worried Mommy is about you.”

Yu Anran knew that her daughter almost obeyed Ye Qingfeng's words, so she deliberately asked Ye Qingfeng to give some more instructions.

Ye Qingfeng nodded after receiving the instruction, held Bei Jiyue's hand, and said as he walked: "The action just now was very dangerous. Yue'er can't just jump off the car by herself in the future, you know?"

When Ye Qingfeng led Bei Jiyue into the house, she was talking about it all the way, just like an old woman.

Nangong Luo and Gong Qianli even wanted to plug their ears with cotton.

With so many guests arriving, the housekeeper had to go to the piano room to remind Ye Weiwei.

Ye Weiwei is teaching Mo Xiangnuan how to play the piano. The scene of the mother and daughter getting along warmly is so harmonious that it makes people feel a little envious after seeing it.

The housekeeper also hesitated before knocking on the piano room door.

“Madam, the Nangong family and the Yu family are here.”


 Ye Weiyi raised his hand and made an OK gesture, and told Mo Xiangnuan about the relationship between the Nangong family and the Yu family.

Mo Xiangnuan finally understood, but when she walked in with Ye Weiwei and heard the lively sounds in the living room, she felt a little discouraged.

 She had never met those people, and she could not imagine how to get along with them.

She can't even help but guess, what if those people don't like her?

 In the past, the Li family didn’t like her...


 (End of this chapter)

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