My Green Plums Are Super Sweet

Chapter 1461: Ye Zhiruo shows his domineering attitude

Chapter 1461 Ye Zhiruo’s domineering attitude is revealed

 “If you really don’t know, then let her pay the money.”


Li Pan'er is simple by nature, and she believes what others say.

 But this matter is not that simple when it comes to Ye Zhiruo!

 At this time, Zhou Yuqing and Zhao Fang happened to come out of the house. They never expected to see the brothers Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo here!

“Wow, aren’t these Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo?”

 “Why did they come?”

"have no idea…"

They were deeply impressed by these two people when they met them at Egg College. Zhao Fang and Zhou Yuqing stood arm in arm and talked quietly.

Ye Zhiruo looked at the two of them, turned to Mo Xiangnuan and asked in Mo Xiangnuan's ear: "Which one of these two is Zhou Yuqing?"

This question was a good one, and Mo Xiangnuan was a little surprised, "Sister, have you forgotten? You have met me before."

Ye Zhiruo shrugged and said in a casual tone: "I didn't pay attention."

 Then he asked her: "Which one is it?"

Mo Xiangnuan replied in a low voice: "It's the one in red."

“Hello, is this Zhou Yuqing?”

 “Yes, I am Zhou Yuqing.”

"Just now Nuannuan..." In just half a day, she had already mastered the name Nuannuan. She was too lazy to dwell on the name and just blurred the title.

Ye Zhiruo pointed at Mo Xiangnuan and said, "Did you take her necklace away before?"

“Xiang, the necklace is lost.” Zhou Yuqing, who was already feeling guilty, lost even more confidence when she saw Ye Zhiruo and Ye Qingfeng.

“Lost, does that mean you admitted that you thought the necklace was lost in your hands?”

"Yes, but I didn't mean to do it. I don't know where it fell. I can't find it anymore." After being questioned, Zhou Yuqing said the answers she had synthesized in her heart.

 Ye Zhiruo nodded.

When Zhao Fang saw this scene, she had already thought of many plots in her mind.

Zhao Fang felt that Mo Xiangnuan could not have the necklace, and now that Ye Qingfeng and Ye Zhiruo appeared here again looking for the necklace, she guessed, "Ye Zhiruo, does the necklace belong to you?"

“It doesn’t matter if it’s mine, I just want to get the necklace.”

“Listen to what you said, that necklace belongs to you. Could it be that Li Pan’er took your necklace?”

  Can't get used to Zhao Fang's self-righteous tone, and Ye Zhiruo is too lazy to talk nonsense to her, "I really don't think there is any need to explain this to you."

She reached out to Zhou Yuqing and asked for it, "If you think about it again, are you really missing it?"

Zhou Yuqing subconsciously pressed her raised collar and nodded firmly, "Really, it's really gone."

“Well, since the thing is lost in your hands, then you should pay for it.”

"Compensate? Compensate?" Zhou Yuqing was stunned.

Just now she saw that Mo Xiangnuan didn't pursue the matter, so she thought the matter was over just now! Anyway, Mo Xiangnuan couldn't do much with his weak and easy-to-handle character.

Did you not expect that Ye Zhiruo would be so resolute and demanding that she pay compensation as soon as she showed up?

“Yes, you lost someone else’s things, and it’s only natural that you have to pay for it.”

“But Li Pan’er asked me to keep it.”

“Zhou Yuqing, please don’t think of us as fools. Someone volunteers to help, maybe he wants to keep it for himself, right?”

 “You’re talking nonsense, I didn’t embezzle it for myself!”

"I didn't tell you why you had to match the situation. In short, you admitted that you lost her necklace. If you can't find it, you'll pay for it!"

 (End of this chapter)

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